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Yolanda Andrade responds to Laura Zapata after she calls Mexicans “huevones”;  He asks him to go to work

Yolanda Andrade responds to Laura Zapata after she calls Mexicans “huevones”; He asks him to go to work

When Lura Shoe She confirmed that she was one of the best villains in the telenovela a few decades ago, and she didn’t lie, because on this occasion It went viral because he made a series of unfortunate statements about Mexicans Especially the president’s administration Andrew Manuel Lopez Workshop.

After asserting that Mexico is a “white” country and reaching out, he mentioned President Macia to them with 2,000 pesos a month, an amount they settle in and charged by those they “adored”. As if that weren’t enough, AMLO’s followers were described as ignorant, because they “didn’t go to school”.

“I can’t stand him, because he’s a liar, because he hit the country at his mother, because he’s finished with the institutions because of his envy and anger towards President Calderon and because he’s naked, the strip of our country so why do we allow that? Because he cheats, because he distributes money, because he corrupts the youth, he is filthy, is on fire, He’s not polite, because he thinks the country belongs to him, because he always makes up bad things, because he’s left so many Mexicans to die, because he’s screwed up, I can’t stand it,” said his sister. next In an interview with Carlos blue.

Yolanda Andrade responds to Laura Zapata

Naturally, release statements of this kind have a reaction, both together and in opposition. However, things did not go well Lura ShoeIt was described by netizens (and some colleagues in the media) as class and racist. He was one of the well-known personalities who did not remain silent Yolanda Andradewho responded via Twitter.

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After going viral, the evil telenovela became HT and the host didn’t hesitate to use it to make her comment, responding in the same way. He even mentioned the help given to him by his famous sister:

“#laurazapata Mexicans ain’t guilty! You’re the hardcore! You ran out of corn I gave you Thalia. Get to work!!! #laurazapata #yolandandrade”

Yolanda Andrade did not remain silent and thus responded (Photo: TWyolandandrade)

For her part, Laura Zapata “enjoyed” the wave of backlash against her after her statements. In this case, she confirmed that she only said the truth, and also remembered all the controversies she was involved in to end with ridicule and calling people “funny” and “poor in spirit.”

“…Now, get down to business, you ball of fools, stretch out your hands and receive alms. Ditch the caste and stop selling the little dignity you have left in the face of such bad judgment that destroys you and your beloved Mexico,” he wrote in a Twitter thread.

Laura Zapata answered all her haters (Photo: TWLAURAZAPATAM)

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