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Yasiel Puig hit two home runs and drove them all in Mexico

Yasiel Puig hit two home runs and drove them all in Mexico

It didn't take long Yasiel Puig To match Mexican League Baseball (LMB). A competition he knows well, even though he has not played it since 2021.

After shining and winning a lot Venezuelan Professional Baseball League (LVBP) as Caribbean series with Sharks in La Guairaand it seems that he was born in it One hundred fires He lives a second young man at the age of 33 years.

he Veracruz eagle He once again trusted in the ability to hit and cover the field Yasiel Puig. That's why he was offered a contract for the 2024 season, which started three weeks ago. With nine games already played, he had two home runs. But he has yet to show consistency when hitting, as evidenced by his .192 average.

Yasiel Puig did not forgive Quintana Roo's throw

The Cuban's mentality for the match on Friday, April 26, was to win against Cuba Quintana Roo Tigers. The win was necessary to reverse Veracruz's 5-7 record.

Yasiel Puig He came out focused and despite hitting hard in his first at-bat, at no point was he distracted. And in the fourth chapter, with a partial score of 1×0 in favor TigersThe outfielder stood in the batter's box. There, with two men on the pads, one out and 3-2, he took the ball hard across left field, giving a 3-by-1 advantage to Veracruz.

But the wonderful offensive performance of the sons One hundred fires It didn't stop there. In the sixth inning there was a situation similar to the previous one, although there was only one runner on first and two outs. in view of raul carrillo, Who had already beaten him on his ground, so he punished him again. This time he didn't wait for the count to reach maximum, because when the score was 1-0, he took the ball away again across left field, extending the advantage. Veracruz.

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from here Yasiel Puig The game finished 4-2, with two runs scored and five RBIs, which Veracruz won 5×2. He hit four home runs in just 10 games. He also hit nine RBIs and raised his average to .233.

In 2021 he finished the campaign with 10 in 62 appearances. At this rate, Cuban will set his limits in Mexican Baseball League.