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Women of Science, Art and Letters, in the Jakyonde Gallery at the Laboratory

Women of Science, Art and Letters, in the Jakyonde Gallery at the Laboratory

Until March 31, the vicinity of the Laboratory Museum hosts the exhibition “24 Emakume-Mujeres-Femmes” containing photographs and biographies of members of Jakiunde, the Basque Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, which is moving the exhibition to the Errekalde Park after its showing in February at the San Telmo Museum.

Jaciunde, as its president Juan Ignacio Pérez pointed out in the presentation, sets the goal of showing this reality of women to society and inspiring future generations, “One of the current challenges is to overcome the social customs that make the work of women invisible. Women in areas of knowledge that are fundamental to the progress of our society.

The paintings, with photographs by Marina Palacio and reviews, showcase academics who, after long careers, have achieved excellence in their disciplines, as well as young people doing cutting-edge work in their profession.

They agreed that in order for girls and boys to have equal opportunities to obtain knowledge and practice work in any specialty, society needs to know and highlight the presence of women in all areas of life.

Gakiunde also supports the idea that it is necessary to attract women to sectors of scientific knowledge, “out of the conviction that it is necessary to enhance girls’ access to the more masculine areas of knowledge. The exhibition shows that women in our society are involved in different fields of knowledge, which leads to the progress of our society.” “It's important for girls and teens to see close examples of successful women in science.”

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At the presentation, the city's mayor, Gorka Artola, highlighted “the inter-institutional collaboration that allows us to know first-hand all the knowledge that these 24 women in Bergara offer us,” and the laboratory director, Rosa Erazkin, detailed the elements of the exhibition and reported on the guided tours. Guided and roundtable accompanying the proposal.

the target audience

In addition to the exhibition, they are organizing guided tours for fifth and sixth grade students coming from their educational centers, and a round table on March 22. From 10:00 a.m. in Seminariksoa, he will address “New Bridges from the Past to the Future” to high school students and the general public. Participating in the conference are writer Mariason Landa, historian and archaeologist Amaya Arranz, director of the Basque Institute of Criminology Gemma Varona, and Jacquendi's secretary Jacqueline Parker.

The exhibition is supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Education of the Basque Government, the Government of Navarre and Laboral Cotxa.