The Explora Los Ríos project invites you to experience the “Los Ríos Science Festival” in the Pearl of the South on Saturday 8 October from 11 am to 6 pm, Sector Nueva Costanera (former helipad).
This is part of the celebration of the Festival of Science (FECI) 2022. The edition is completely free for all ages and will include workshops, art performances, music, interactive booths and more.
FECI is a national, public and free initiative of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation and is implemented by the Explora Los Ríos project with the support of the University of Austral de Chile.
As a result of the thematic themes taught by the Department of Science and Ministerial Society, various activities focusing on learning about water care, protection and conservation from a scientific perspective are included.
The party will have 4 interactive areas: (1) free workshops, (2) a stage, (3) institutional/organizational pavilions, (4) talking with scholars.
Aimed to enjoy an on-stage show for all ages, that includes Water Care Storytelling for young children, local music with Chola and Gitano, Sortilegio Trio, Live Modulares with Antonio Little, contemporary dance acts alongside the scenic experience of a High Intensity center .
Workshops will have limited times and places with face-to-face registration on the day of the event. Run by eminent visual artist Samuel Lizama, the Linocut workshop invites you to experience hands-on printmaking without the need for prior knowledge.
Likewise, for the botanical print workshop, Susana Soto of Pandora Textil calls for the creation of unique and unpredictable designs, which will be executed in two unique times: 12 noon and 5 pm.
The “Talk to Scientists” activity will bring together researchers from different fields of science such as Anna Arenas from the Faculty of Science at the University of Austral with the session “Plant Biotechnology for Climate Change”.
The Conversation seeks to spread scientific knowledge through an enjoyable conversation accompanied by Café Raíces de Colombia. It will take place from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
In addition, there will be groups of groups and institutes of the University of Austral de Chile, which will present their exhibitions related to the theme of this festival. To find out more about this event you can reach
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