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Will Nicolas Maduro be in Colombia at the end of this month?  It was the statement of Foreign Minister Alvaro Leyva that sparked controversy

Will Nicolas Maduro be in Colombia at the end of this month? It was the statement of Foreign Minister Alvaro Leyva that sparked controversy

In the midst of the speech of Foreign Minister Alvaro Leyva at the UN Security Council in New York (USA), the Minister of External Relations recalled the summit to be held in Bogota on April 25, during which the dialogues between Chavismo will be opened. And the opposition that was taking place in Mexico.

However, Foreign Minister Leyva mentioned Nicolas Maduro And there are those who interpreted that this is the official announcement of the presence of the Venezuelan President in the Colombian territories at the meeting.

“On the twenty-fifth of this month, a conference will be held with Latin American countries in the capital of the Republic, Bogota, including the United States, Canada and European countries, To see how it can lead to the resumption of the political dialogues that have been taking place in Mexico, of course with the opposition parties and President Maduro. The Colombian foreign minister confirmed that this was a gesture of “comprehensive peace”.

Nicolás Maduro, President of Venezuela
The mere possibility of Maduro’s arrival in Colombia has sparked deep controversy. – picture: Reuters

Given the possibility of Maduro landing at El Dorado airport in the capital, different political sectors have opposed this possibility. Many have already spoken of mobilizing to demonstrate against their entry.

“This is very dangerous. An abhorrent insult to the millions of Venezuelans who had to leave everything behind in their country to flee a dictatorship that failed economically and socially. From now on, we declare our firm rejection of Nicolás Maduro’s visit to Bogota,” said Oscar Ramírez Vaho, a member of the Bogota Council, of the Democratic Center.

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“We must come out and reject the existence of such infringement DD. H. H. in our lands. This is an international disgrace, ”confirmed attorney Daniel Briceno.

Right-wing activist Jaime Arizabaleta asked: “If Nicolás Maduro sets foot in Colombia he should be greeted with a huge crowd, who will join?”

State Department sources learned week This is, for the time being, It is not conceivable that Nicolás Maduro would come to the country.

Handshake between President Gustavo Petro and his counterpart Nicolás Maduro.
President Gustavo Petro and Nicolás Maduro have already met in Caracas. – picture: Presidency

In addition, the Minister of Foreign Relations, on April 3, replied to this magazine that at the moment there are no prospects for Maduro to come to Colombia. “Not now. As far as I know, he didn’t think about it. I don’t know in the end what could happen, “Every day brings him excitement, but not at this time,” the chancellor said.

Likewise, some users assert that the leader of the Venezuelan regime could not set foot on Colombian soil, due to the international arrest warrant issued against him.

In the debate on Foreign Minister Leyva’s censure motion on Wednesday in the House of Representatives, the minister gave more details of the meeting. He confirmed, as he did at the United Nations, that it was known that the meeting would take place on April 25 in Bogota and that it would include members of the Venezuelan opposition and Altavismo. In addition, the idea is to help the political dialogue between both sectors to arrange a democratic exit to that country, with the aim of free elections in Venezuela.

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At the moment, 12 countries in Europe and Latin America have been confirmed, Among them are France, Spain and Germany; While Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador and Brazil will come from the region.

President Gustavo Petro and Nicolás Maduro
The government has already had a dialogue with Nicolás Maduro. – picture: presidency

It is also expected, as confirmed by the Secretary of State himself, that the representative of the United States will come. There is talk that it could be the same country’s foreign minister, Anthony Blinken, After the meeting they both had in Washington, it would become clear.

Leiva asserted that after speaking with Maduro, the Venezuelan dictator would be ready for a “democratic exit” for Venezuela and gave evidence that he wanted to return to the international community and the Pan-American human rights system.

The summit on Venezuela between both sectors, which will be held in Colombia, continues to generate great interest due to its implications.