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Why study medicine by flow

Why study medicine by flow

Ana Blanca Aguaviva He is a student in the fifth grade medicine, But he combines his daily life with creating content on his YouTube and Twitch channel. One of its main assets in this latest social network is the study in front of over 53,345 followers Putting together a “virtual” library.

“In November 2019 I started seeing it on my other Twitch accounts and thought it was cool,” says Aguaviva. medical writingadmitting that before starting to make it for Twitch, he recorded himself studying and uploaded a two-hour video to YouTube. “I am calmer than studying in the library And I feel in the company of more people who have one goal,” she admits. For a student, this way of studying “Forcing you to focus more” Feeling ‘noted by a lot of people and possessed’ group pressure.

Ana Blanca: “Studying on Twitch with more people creates group pressure and makes me focus more”

In addition, the student assures that she will continue to promote her work on the networks, showing it day after day, also focusing on “medical publishing” for the future, since she herself asserts that 40 percent of her followers are students in the health field.

However, Aguaviva admits that the largest increase in videos of her study occurred during the pandemic. “There was a very big traffic boom in 2020,” he says. An opinion also shared by a psychologist Jesus Linares, from the College of Psychologists in Madrid. For Linares, the number of hits in this type of video is Linked to the Covid-19 pandemicbecause “by not being able to study in a company as it was hitherto known, alternatives were developed”.

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Regarding why these types of recordings work so well, Linaris admits that they generate “a context called control stimulation Where it is more appropriate for the behavior to emerge is, in this case, a study.” He adds, “It is similar to what happens in a library, if we had a stressful environment in the study, it would be difficult for distractions to emerge.”

“In a way it’s a kind of response that if we’re watching a video of someone studying and we don’t, it can create a state of discomfort that we avoid by studying ourselves,” admits the psychiatrist. “If you study in a place where you are observed and free from distraction, It will help improve your performance.He asserts, noting that it is necessary to “feel that you are accompanied by a common goal and that on many occasions it is comforting to you that others use the same strategy as yours.”

Finally, Linaris asserts that in the study “there are no magic formulas” while the methods used do not generate ‘Guilt or anxiety’ They are just effective.

Although it may contain statements, statements, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader to consult a health professional for any health-related questions.

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