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Why going to the hairdresser is good for your well-being and mental health

Why going to the hairdresser is good for your well-being and mental health

First work and commitments and then free time and Self care. It is a cultural thing and we see it as something logical and natural, which is why we always tend to relegate this area of ​​life to “when there is time”: “If I have time, I will meet a friend”, “If I have time I will go take me on a trip …

but really us Free time and self-care are more important than we think for our well-being and Psychological health. Thus, to perform better in our work and better solve daily tasks and daily obligations.

In fact, it should not be called leisure because it seems like a simple thing, but rather should be called as it is: Basic activities For our lives, for our physical and mental health,” he told laSexta.com Santiago Syed is a psychologist and director of the center that bears his name: Santiago Ced Psychology Center (Madrid).

We must bear in mind – this expert adds – that our very nature requires the completion of basic activities such as, for example, socialize, which is something we include in the entertainment part. For example, meeting a friend for coffee or a neighbor for a short walk. We are social beings.

It is true that as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, things have changed in the world – and the world – and now we are placing more importance on mental health. The data leave no room for doubt: according to Ipsossince 2020 Concern about mental health in Spain increased by 19 points.

However, according to the figures published by Study health and lifestyle From Aegón, published at the end of last September, 30.8% of Spaniards see their mental health as having worsened in the past 12 months, and only 11.3% report an improvement in their mental health.

Additionally and according to this work, Nearly 90% of those surveyed said they had experienced some symptoms of depression and anxiety In the past year and in each of the possible cases of anxiety and depression in the past year.

Core activities are not considered “extra”

It is important that we have time for ourselves every day. “Every day there should be a dose of pleasure and give us the basic activities: socializing, sports, healthy eating, time to juggle work and family life and time for We take care of ourselves and take care of ourselvesCid advises.

Which is that often we start from work, rather than from those basic activities, i.e. from all those things that we have to do because they are essential for good health and well-being and, therefore, to be able to function better.

“For even if we achieve overwhelming success at work and a good income, if we devote all our time to work, perhaps because of the loss of balance involved in leisure and basic activities, because We forget all about the human partIt can end with some mental health disorders like worry also depression”, argues Cid. That is why – he insists – ‘we cannot do without these activities, it is important that they are in our central focus.’

Another concept that is now being worked on a lot in queries is the concept of “pause”, something that is also applied in Full focus of the mindand we can apply within our work: “Even though we are working, we have to stop our minds: about 5 minutes to go to the bathroom, go get something to eat, chat with a colleague, even listen to a song.. It’s about giving the brain pause to work again and to focus. Back on our mission,” explains Syed.

Free time doesn’t have to be ‘productive’

Let’s imagine a scene. A friend asks us: What did you do this weekend? “Well, nothing really productive. I’ve seen a chain and been lying on the couch all weekend.” When we were doing something we probably really needed: sit back and watch a series we loved.

And it is true, as Cid explains, “At the societal level, that we consider everything we do, including our leisure, to be ‘productive.’ We don’t really know why, but it seems we always have to be creating or developing ourselves. And that’s fine, but we need that too Rest time and self-care. To see the series we love is to enjoy.

For example, that weekend where you say “you didn’t do anything”, in fact “what you did” is: put a mask on your face, take a relaxing bath in the bathtub, or relax on the couch you needed and talked on the phone with A family member or friend for a long time. So, you were aware of your self-care and also socialized with the person you love.

It is important to pay attention “We can’t always create‘, maintains Cid. Well, we must not forget that ‘indeed, the brain is a muscle, and if we’re always producing it, we tire it.’ The expert concludes that if the brain does not get a rest, we cause fatigue which can lead to stress or anxiety issues.” And as we explain here: Too much stress affects health.