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Who is the representative of Nicaragua who defended the regime in the session of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States?

Who is the representative of Nicaragua who defended the regime in the session of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States?

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Michael Renee Campbell Hooker is the one who replaced Luis Exquiquel Alvarado Ramirez, Ambassador and Temporary Representative of Nicaragua to the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS). Campbell made an intervention at the beginning of the session where he demanded – on behalf of the regime of Daniel Ortega – to put the topic “The Situation in Nicaragua” on the agenda, which ended with a resolution of 26 votes in favour, with 7 abstentions. The delegation of Nicaragua was absent.

Campbell appeared with this speech for the first time in the position of Alternate Permanent Representative of the Republic of Nicaragua, with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, before the Organization of American States (OAS), which was formally appointed to Laguesta on Wednesday, October 20 through the presidency. Convention 181-2021.

He was appointed “Minister-Counsellor to the President of the Republic of Nicaragua for International Relations and the Greater Caribbean” on April 23, 2021, according to Presidential Agreement 75-2021 published in the Official Gazette of the State of Nicaragua. .

Michael Renee Campbell Hooker, at the virtual session of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States, on Wednesday, October 20, 2021.

He also serves as Nicaragua’s ambassador to the Government of India, based in New Delhi, named in Agreement 04-2021, adopted on January 13, 2021, according to La Gaceta.

Diplomatic family

Campbell, along with his father, mother and sister, completed a family core for officials serving in the diplomatic service, according to newspaper reports.

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Francisco Obadiah Campbell Hooker, Nicaragua’s ambassador to the United States, is her father. Francisco Campbell was first appointed ambassador to Washington in October 2010. It was removed in January 2017, but later reinstated.

Francisco Campbell was already Nicaragua’s ambassador to Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Angola and Zambia, in the 1980s, in the first Sandinista government. He is the brother of Supreme Electoral Council judge, Lumberto Campbell, whom the United States sanctioned in November 2019. by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the Treasury Department.

Nicaragua’s ambassador to the United States, Francisco Campbell.

Miriam Elinor Hooker Coe, mother of Michael Campbell, is Consul General of Nicaragua at the United States Embassy, ​​Designated under Presidential Agreement 109-2018, published in La Jaceta on August 2, 2018.

Michael’s sister, Mabel Leilani Campbell Hooker, has the position of press and culture attaché at the same Washington embassy, ​​designated by Ministerial Agreement 25-2019, approved August 5, 2019.

Session of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States

This Wednesday, Michael Campbell headed the Nicaraguan delegation that called for a few minutes to the virtual session of the OAS Permanent Council, to determine the position of the Ortega regime at that meeting. The Ambassador and Provisional Representative of Nicaragua, before the Permanent Council, was replaced by Provisional Ambassador Luis Exquiquel Alvarado Ramirez, who had been the spokesperson for the Order’s speech at previous meetings.

OAS, Nicaragua, Sanctions, Coronavirus, Costa Rica
Luis Alvarado, Acting Representative of Nicaragua to the Organization of American States. Press Organization / Courtesy

Campbell was responsible for reading the Ortega regime’s declaration of rejection of that meeting, considering it an interference with the country’s sovereignty and self-determination, in the regime’s words.

Nicaragua’s declaration stated, among other things, that “its sovereignty is not in dispute” and confirmed that the representative of Nicaragua would not participate in the meeting.

“Nicaragua categorically refuses to include this point on the agenda, because our respect for the rights of other peoples in America begins with an affirmation of the fundamental rights of Nicaraguans and all Nicaraguans,” the Nicaraguan letter expressed.

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He added that the session was called “to get acquainted and discuss a set of conjectures, proposals, plans and mechanisms that violate national sovereignty,” and denied the presence of presidential candidates in prison, and said that the detainees are “foreign agents” receiving funds from foreign governments to destabilize the country.

Then contact with the delegation was lost during the voting process on the resolution.

The solution

The resolution was approved by 26 countries, no one opposed it, only Nicaragua attended and 7 countries abstained.

The countries that voted for it are: Belize, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, United States, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, San Cristobal. and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela, Antigua and Barbuda, and the Bahamas.

The countries that abstained are: Barbados, Bolivia, Honduras, Mexico, Guatemala, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Argentina.

The resolution, entitled “The situation in Nicaragua”, reiterates its call for the “immediate release of presidential candidates and political prisoners”. It expresses its “grave concern at the fact that attempts by the Permanent Council to compel the Government of Nicaragua to hold free and fair elections have been ignored.”

“It strongly urges the Government of Nicaragua to implement without delay the principles of the Inter-American Democratic Charter, as well as all internationally recognized standards, including agreed electoral reforms, with a view to holding free, fair and transparent elections as soon as possible, under the oversight of the Organization of American States and other International reliable monitoring.

Finally, it requests “the adoption, if necessary, of other measures in accordance with the Charter of the Organization of American States and the Inter-American Democratic Charter, including the evaluation of the November 7 elections during the fifty-first session of the General Assembly.”