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When and where do you see the northern meteor shower tonight?

When and where do you see the northern meteor shower tonight?

(CNN) – If you miss a peak south of Torres Last week, the northern meteor shower will glow on Thursday and Friday, which could produce some distinct fireballs.

Taurus brings slow and steady streams from September to December. The peaks are not as bumpy and defined as some other meteor showers, such as the Perseids in August, according to EarthSky. But Taurus is known for its occasional fireball, a meteor shining brighter than Venus, the brightest object in the sky.

Northern meteor showers in a torpedo produce about five visible meteors per hour at a relatively slow rate.

There are slightly different streams in the sky for the northern and southern villages of Taurus, but both seem to come from the head of the constellation Taurus, Taurus, on the basis of which these rains are named. The debris of Comet 2P/Encke is producing Taurid showers from the north and south, according to EarthSky.

When do you look at the night sky?

Midnight to sunrise is the optimal time to see the Northern Torrid Mountains, and they can be seen in the Northern Hemisphere.

Don’t bother using a telescope because it will limit your view of the sky. The naked eye is the best tool for tracking these stars. Meteor showers will be choppy, so get a lawn chair and plan to sit outside for a while.

To get the best view, try to find a place that is free from a lot of light pollution. The moon will be half full during the northern peak of the Taurids this year, which isn’t as perfect as the new moon (when the sky is darker), but you can still catch a glimpse of the meteors.

Celestial year end predictions

There are only a few meteor showers this year, according to the 2021 Meteor Shower Guide from EarthSky:

  • November 17: Leonidas
  • December 13-14: Gemini
  • December 22: Ursidas

A partial lunar eclipse will be visible to residents of North America and Hawaii on November 19 between 1 a.m. ET and 7:06 a.m. ET, according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac.

The southern part of the world can glimpse a total solar eclipse on December 4. Skywatchers of the Falkland Islands, the southern tip of Africa, Antarctica, and southeastern Australia will have the best chance of seeing it.