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WhatsApp trick to see if your friend added you

WhatsApp trick to see if your friend added you

Today we will introduce you to a the trick Through which you will learn to know if your friend has added you or not in the famous Request From The WhatsAppSo keep reading until you know how to do it step by step.

If you still don’t really know if your friend added you to WhatsApp, then we will tell you how with this interesting trick.

If you have previously noticed a change in the WhatsApp of your friend or partner and want to know if he has already made an appointment, there is already a tutorial that will allow you to know 100% if that person you suspect has added your number to the application. Quick messages.

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It should be noted that for this it is not necessary to download some other application that complements WhatsApp, since everything is achieved from the same application.

However, remember that this trick will only work on devices that have the updated software.

Steps to find out if your friend or partner has added you to WhatsApp

  • The first thing will be to enter WhatsApp.
  • Then tap the three dots in the top corner on Android.
  • Now click on the broadcast menu.
  • In the case of iPhones, just tap on Broadcast Lists.
  • Now select all the contacts you have doubts if you added them or not.
  • Later he sends a message.
  • Wait a few minutes and hours for the message to be sent and read.
  • At that moment you will see all the names that read your message.
  • If it only appears that your message was sent and received by a person, but has not been read, it means that they did not add you as a contact.
  • To do this, you can also write to him and check if you do not see his profile picture, his last connection time, his status, etc.
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And that is how easy it is to apply this simple trick that you will undoubtedly want to try once you are done reading this note.

On the other hand, it should be noted that we are constantly sharing new tricks and functions within the messaging app, so we recommend that you always be on the alert so that you are updated day in and day out with what’s new in the app.