Today we will tell you step by step how you can tell if they have read your message or not The WhatsApp There is no blue popcorn, so read on until you learn how to do it.
If you want to know if they have already read your message or heard sonic sound Although they have disabled blue popcornJust follow these simple steps.
Obviously we’ll have to stay locked up at home because of the emergency after the new variables come out.
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In most cases, that means more home offices and contacting your co-workers through messaging platforms or social networks.
It is therefore not surprising that WhatsApp users take on the task of investigating scams to improve communication and privacy, one of which is related to blue popcorn.
Although they are usually a headache for many others, it gives them certainty, as it lets them know if their message has finally been read.
Currently, there is a function to deactivate it, do not worry because there is a way to circumvent it and thus be able to know if they have already read your messages.
So to avoid conflicting with the phrase “you let me in”, or simply to preserve their privacy, many have preferred to deactivate the option that indicates if your contact has already read to you on WhatsApp.
Although this function is activated for either of them, it is possible to determine if they have already seen your message; Just follow these simple steps.
It is worth noting that this is the simplest method, since it is more than a trick it is a hidden function or not much known to users.
Once in WhatsApp, choose the chat of the person you sent the message to.
Select the text or audio and click on “Info”, it will appear there if your message has already been delivered, or more importantly, if you have already seen it.
A read box will appear with the famous blue popcorn, regardless of whether it’s the other person or even you disabled it.
However, there is also another option and the first thing you should do is create a group with which you want to know if they have already read your message.
Send him the message through the group, and regardless of whether the blue popcorn is down, this way you’ll know if he actually read your message or listened to the voice you sent him.

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