This year WhatsApp introduced a total of three changes to voice messages; The first, the reproduction of phonemes at twice the speed; Second, the waves that have been eliminated. And third, the function that allows you to listen to your feedback before sending it. These tools have been well received by more than 2000 million active users of the aforementioned app worldwide; However, sure, there is a contact on your agenda who usually sends you audios that are several minutes long as if it was a call. Today we will teach you a new trick so that you know everything they tell you without having to reproduce anything.
Voice messages arrived on WhatsApp in 2013, and since then it has become an essential tool when you don’t have the ability to type, but many use it incorrectly or misuse it, like calls that send voice memos of 20 minutes or more, although there is a function to turn it on Double speed anyway turns out to be too long.
To prevent you from finding your cell phone on your ear for several minutes, we will teach you a new trick that works with Android and Apple iOS phones. It is important to clarify that it will be necessary to install an external application that you can download from the Google Play Store and the iPhone App Store.
How do you know what the voice is saying without listening to it
First download the app ´copy for whatsapp´ on Android devices and ´Transcrypto Audio Converter´ For iOS phones.
Then open the app and accept the permissions so you can access the voice messages on WhatsApp.
now open The WhatsApp And enter a one-on-one or group chat where the audio was sent to you.
When you locate the voice memo, hold it down for a few seconds until it is highlighted. Then, in the upper right, touch the three vertical points.
Two options will be displayed: “Information” and “Share”, tap on the last option.
A new window will open where you will have to choose the application that will transcribe the audio.
Finally, it remains only to wait for the application to do its work, the delay depends on the amount of time the sound lasts.
Ready, now you will not be obligated to listen to your friend, family member or co-worker for several minutes, you can copy the written text and paste it into a notepad, a personal chat on WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, etc.
Do you have a problem with The WhatsApp? Do you need to report it?
If you have any kind of problem, write to their contact email: [email protected] or [email protected]. You can also place the same order from your iPhone through the iOS exclusive service.
Now, if you need to make a general query, you can fill out the form using this link. There you just need to put your phone number, as well as your area code, then write your message after making your identification.
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