WhatsApp has infected the entire ecosystem of Apps for creating stickers. The new version of WhatsApp Web includes its own sticker maker, and it’s probably all you need to add new custom images to your personal group.
To create new stickers, go to WhatsApp Web, open any chat and click on the clip icon and the new Sticker button. Choose any image from your computer as a base for the poster. You will see some basic photo editing tools. Scissors allow you to cut out the outlines of the subject appearing in the image. You can add text, emoji, stickers or doodles on top of the photo. You can also crop the image, but only in square ratio.
sWhat you want is for the poster background to be transparent, but you don’t have the pulse to use the contour cutter Built-in app, you can Pass the image through remove.bgwho uses Artificial intelligence to recognize a subject and separate it from its environment.
The new sticker creation tool is available on WhatsApp Web and will arrive in the desktop version of WhatsApp next week with an update. WhatsApp has not yet announced plans to integrate this tool into the mobile versions, but the stickers you create on WhatsApp Web or WhatsApp on your desktop will also be available on your phone.
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