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WhatsApp: a trick to hide the “Archived” tab |  Play DEPOR

WhatsApp: a trick to hide the “Archived” tab | Play DEPOR

Do you have a lot of archived conversations in the app? ? surely yes. The app has various functions within the smartphone app, but there are a number of details you should know about the Archived tab.

This will allow you to save those conversations important and that you can watch whenever you want. But, How do you hide the “Archived” tab that appears at the top of a chat.

The trick is very easy and it is not necessary to download any third party app that can steal some of your personal information.

Look: WhatsApp and the steps to delete the “Not Verification Code” message

How to hide the Archived tab in WhatsApp

To delete the Archived tab in WhatsApp, it is necessary to perform all the following steps:

  • If you have an old WhatsApp app, it is best to get the latest version from Google Play or iOS Store.
  • Then go to WhatsApp.
  • Now you should go to the application settings.
  • At that time go to chats.
  • You will need to deactivate the Keep Archived Chats tab.
  • With this, the Archived tab will no longer appear on your device’s home screen.
This way you can remove this tab from "Archived" of your WhatsApp conversations.  (Photo: Mag - Rommel Yubanki)

This way you can remove the Archived tab from your WhatsApp chats. (Photo: Mag – Rommel Yubanki)

How to write “back” in WhatsApp and surprise your friends

  • The first thing will be to enter WhatsApp.
  • Now you just have to open any chat.
  • At that moment, enter the following from any browser by FlipText.
  • Type your message and at the bottom, in the second box, it will appear ‘upside down’.
  • Just copy and paste it into a WhatsApp conversation.
  • Send it and go. Your friend will be surprised.
  • If you want to send another text, you need to perform the same steps as above.
See also  Whatsapp celebrates its birthday and consolidates its position as the most popular 'app'

How do you know who hasn’t added you on WhatsApp

The function is inside the app, and although many use it for other things, we’ll now tell you how you know it:

  • The first thing will be to enter WhatsApp.
  • Once inside, we go to the three points in the upper corner.
  • In the case of Android, you have to press the “Broadcast Menu”.