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What to do if Chrome does not close properly and crashes

What to do if Chrome does not close properly and crashes

Why do I get the error “Chrome did not close properly”

We can say that this problem is relatively common. It’s something that has happened to all of us at some point. We open the program and it tells us that it did not close properly. Crashes when opening web pages or even Eyelashes Restoration that we opened earlier. This can happen for various reasons, as we shall see.

When we close Google Chrome, the normal thing is that when we open it, it will show us everything as we left it. It’s a very useful function that they implemented a few years ago. This way, we don’t have to open all the tabs one by one again so we can get on with the work. But sometimes this is not possible due to this error that we are attaching.

If this happens to us and we want to solve it in the short term, Prevent pages from getting lost which we have opened, what we can do is give the restore tabs in a new window. This is simple and useful at the same time. Of course, sometimes it might not be restored properly and we will have to prevent it from happening again.

Browser Overload

One of the reasons Google Chrome does not close properly is because there is a file big plus. It can happen if we have many plugins installed, for example. Every addition we add will consume resources. It is, after all, as if we are opening a lot of programs at the same time on our computer or mobile phone.

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This overload can cause the browser to crash. It does not close properly and this type of error appears. It is one of the most important factors to consider.

Is there any malware

Of course the equipment we use can have some sort Malware Or even the browser itself. In the latter case, it is usually due to adware, the typical search bars that appear without us knowing why, as well as some extensions that we have installed that is dangerous.

But this may also affect the team itself. Any variety of malware slowing down the system, affecting resource consumption, may result in Chrome not closing properly.

Many tabs opened

Another reason associated with the excessive consumption of resources is the presence of Many open pages. This may result in the browser not being able to handle all the information, and when you close it, it doesn’t do it properly and causes errors.

This is the reason behind many of the typical problems that happen to us in browsers. Users always tend to open many tabs and group many pages by not closing them.

How to avoid this problem in Chrome

We have seen the main causes of the error message that Chrome did not close properly. Basically, this is usually caused by excessive consumption of resources, extension conflicts, or even malware. We will give some tips to prevent this from happening, especially for users who constantly encounter this.

Disable background apps feature

The first step we can take is to disable the feature Background apps. It is a functionality that has been integrated with Google Chrome for several years. However, it can have issues which is why it doesn’t close properly.

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For this we have to go to the menu at the top right (the three dots we can see), we go to the settings, we scroll down to click on Advanced and there we uncheck Keep apps running in the background when Google Chrome is closed.

Chrome did not close properly

Make sure your browser is up to date

is the browser updated? This is very important for it to work well. We should always make sure we have our latest version installed. Otherwise, it will not only affect performance but may also help to attract hackers.

Updating Chrome is very easy. We simply have to go to the menu again, enter “help” and click on “Google Chrome info”. If there is no problem, it should automatically check for updates and show us which version we have installed.

google chrome update

Review installed add-ons

It may happen that we have installed some Extension newly. This may lead to browser performance issues. This can lead to slow connection, page failures, and even errors like the ones we mentioned in which Chrome doesn’t close properly.

You should especially look at the extensions we have installed recently, but also an overview of all of them. We do not recommend installing too many add-ons as they may cause problems. It is convenient to have only those that we will actually use.

Beware of malware

We previously saw that one of the reasons for this problem is the presence of malware on our computer. Malware can affect us a lot and jeopardize the proper functioning of the system and any software we use.

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We can use a file Good antivirus To detect if there is a malicious file or extension we have installed that is fraudulent. This way we will ensure that everything is working fine and that this does not cause any errors.

chrome restore

If we see that this problem is still there and it has not been resolved after what we recommended, then the thing that we can consider is to restore the default values ​​of Google Chrome. Sometimes it can be created Software level problems Thus creating conflict.

To restore Chrome we have to go to the menu, go to the settings, go to the advanced options and at the bottom we will find the option to restore default values. We will have the browser as it was when you installed it.

So, if the error appears indicating that Chrome was not closed properly, we can consider these recommendations that we have shown. This way we will make it work well and we will not lose information with the pages we open.