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What is the average salary of an undocumented Latino in America?  International |  news

What is the average salary of an undocumented Latino in America? International | news

Go to the United States It is the dream of many around the world because it is a nation with its advantages Work will prosper, if you focus on achieving goals. But beware! Don’t think we’ll blow the bottle once we cross the border.

It is a difficult process in which you have to consider many things before making a decision and the first thing: thinking well is going to make it.

Before deciding to immigrate to the US, it is important to take into account the average salary for undocumented workers in major cities. That is, those who do not have a residence permit because they entered illegally or are in process, reports Clarion.

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As the NY newspaper notes, a study by the New York Center for Migration Studies found that undocumented foreign workers have the lowest wages and the most dangerous working conditions.

There have been a large number of illegal workers in the United States over the past five years. Photo: SDI Productions

Here are the risks of working in the US with a tourist visa: You may be registered as a “criminal”.

An example cited in that note: Immigrant construction workers with immigration permits earn $40,400 a year; Meanwhile the undocumented receive $30,100.

In addition, they face more vulnerable conditions and less pay for overtime.

It is important to keep in mind that the cost of living is higher in cities that offer higher salaries. Photo: Zorox

These are the best online options to apply for jobs before immigrating to the US

Average Salary for an Undocumented Latino in the United States

You should also keep in mind that these are the best online options to apply for jobs in the US before the salary varies according to each city or state.

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At this point, the site, published by consulting firm GoBankingRates, highlights the differences between some U.S. cities with large Latino presences and abundant job opportunities. Some examples:

Chicago, Ill.

Average income is US$52,497 per year.

Los Angeles California

The average salary is about $54,501.

San Francisco California

Mid-skilled workers earn around US$96,265.

Miami Florida

Average annual income is $33,999.

An important thing to keep in mind is that the cost of living is higher in cities that offer higher salaries.


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