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We are the space in which we live The environment in which we spend our hours shapes and permeates our lives Psychological health. The pandemic has left us with countless lessons, and architecture is no stranger to before and after a health emergency that has paralyzed the world. Among many things, we have learned that the space we call home, where we live and sleep, is one of the cornerstones of our lives. Emotional well-being.
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the Neurology I have already focused on the role Interior space design in progress Positive thinking and creativity, The pandemic has done nothing but stimulate and enhance this research. And in that field Neuroscience Academy of Architecture From the United States, it is one of the institutions that is at the forefront of studies Neural architecture And the Neural interior design.
“The design of a space can help us relax or support a creative state of mind, as each aspect of the environment affects certain processes in the brain, linked to… Stress, emotion and memory“, knows neuroscientist Eve Edelstein, who developed the first Neuroscience for Architecture course program at the New School of Architecture and Design in San Diego, USA.
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To delve into these concepts that link decoration and its impact on mental health, information I spoke with interior designers Maria Fernanda Vilanova And Erin statedpioneers in Argentina in neuro-interior design.
“Your home is a reflection of who you are. Science has proven that when a person is in places that promote… Care Generate more Oxytocin And SerotoninSo you feel full and have better energy. “Neurointrinsicism seeks to enhance that well-being through different resources and tools,” Erin says.
“The first step is to listen to others, to evaluate what we can contribute to their well-being through design, which is not just about choosing an armchair that matches the table or the rug – although that is important,” says Vilanova. The problem – what we are looking for is for the person to define their identity, love the place and don’t want to leave because they feel comfortable living there.
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“Our home should be the state of life, because Promote happiness“, agreed upon among specialists, in the paraphrase Le Corbusierone of the most influential designers of the twentieth century.
Internal neural is a system that covers a very wide range of tools, perhaps one of the most famous of which is… Complete focus of mindwhich is a philosophical practice that essentially consists of developing Full and conscious attention in the present momentLive and be (dwell) here and now.
“Sometimes, because of the routine and whirlwind of life in which we live, one does not wonder things like why I keep a painting in my living room for 15 years if I no longer love it. Mindfulness – comments Erin – is making things conscious, investigating what you need, Because there is no single or uniform recipe for everyone, but every person must do something Self-knowledge “This takes time.”
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The texture and nobility of materials, whether for furniture, decoration or lighting, is a key aspect of neurotic interior design. “Naturality is the factor that helps connect with the senses,” emphasizes Vilanova. “Wood, pure cotton, ceramics, everything that comes from nature makes one ‘come down’ to the earth.”
The idea is to target a frame in the decoration that balances Design, luxury and function. In this research, internal neural Prioritize sensory design Which activates and spreads all the senses: sight, touch, smell, hearing, and others.
“Synthetics repel each other, so the more natural the fabric feels, the more luxurious it is,” Erin adds. The key is to live Tidy spacesnot pristine but in harmony. To achieve this goal, when planning the design, reserving storage spaces for each object is an essential resource.
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Architecture can affect our alertness or fatigue by managing exposure to natural light during the day and night. The sun is the gold standard of what the body is looking for We should, as much as possible, imitate this kind of pattern in our home and work environment, as defined by the neuroscientist. Edelstein.
In this same sense, Irene suggests that what neuroesotericism seeks is “to control light to respect the rhythm of our body—which is Circadian rhythm– So we can produce melatonin and make the most of our rest hours.
This means not exposing yourself all day to artificial light that interrupts the sleep-wake cycle of our circadian rhythm. Ideally, the intensity of lights in rooms decreases as the sun sets, for example.
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Placing natural plants of different shades of green in different areas of the house is a key resource for evoking nature in urban spaces.
To relax and restore energy, it is necessary to incorporate a lot of green into environments. They both purify the air and enhance creativity. “Humans were not born to be confined, they were born to be outdoors. He Grounding“The therapy that connects us to the earth recharges us with energy, and being barefoot and stepping on grass has been shown to reduce inflammation and is associated with a slower aging process, and has a lot of benefits,” details Erin, who is also an interior designer, is also a mindfulness coach, and trains as an existential coach. She participates in mindful breathing workshops.
For its part, Vilanova recommends adding plants to all spaces because “incorporating nature has a tremendous impact on well-being.”
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“Home is where we spend most of the day, where we are present with our emotions, where we recharge, and that’s why it should be there,” says Erin. Space to let you restand also another to Focus, creativity or productivityBut at the same time it must be defined.”
In terms of location, spaces should be organized to match the function the homeowner wants to give to each room. For example, if you want the area to be inspiring and relaxing, you should stay away from technology or work spaces.
“It could be a studio apartment or a mansion, the important thing is Find the meaning of each place. It is about uncovering and creating space for each family member, each with their needs, clearly listening to the person asking for advice, knowing what they like, what their expectations are, and it is essential to get to know the client in order to “understand how they live their space,” highlights Villanova. .
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Lighter colors provide greater harmony, and give a feeling of spaciousness and order. an idea Neural interior design It is finding the desired color in every space to enhance creativity, focus or comfort.
to choose Neutral or soft colorsColors such as light grey, beige, light green or blue instead of the ubiquitous white color are another alternative to add serenity to the space and turn it into an environment that expels stress and anxiety.
However, specialists insist that, when designing a space, it is essential to listen to those who live there. “Some people prefer strong or vibrant colors in their bedrooms, others look for a color palette that encourages rest and relaxation.”
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They both agree that this concept should be avoided House Museumwhich consists of having spaces designated for occasional moments which, in short, end up being used little or not at all.
“The house is intended for living and is defined according to the stages of life, it is about the ages of the children, and how each family enjoys the spaces. It is no longer like before, when it was fashionable to have a separate living or dining room for visitors – says Vilanova – after the pandemic, it was Reevaluating Interior Spaces We’ve been cooped up for so long that we’ve reevaluated our experience.
In addition to all of these home-specific recommendations, both Erin and Villanova agree that these concepts apply not only to homes, but also to work environments.
“In the CompaniesErin says neurotic interior design has an impact that translates into results. In a company with environments that promote harmony from the incorporation of nature, with good natural lighting and spaces for rest, the well-being of the teams is also enhanced. “Neural architecture in stores or stores also conveys what the brand wants to express, and the image it presents to its customers,” adds Vilanova.
[Fotos: Adrián Escandar]

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