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What exercise will help you feel happier, according to science?

What exercise will help you feel happier, according to science?

Whether or not they like to practice sports or physical activity, the truth is that after completing some activities, in addition to feeling tired, the majority Agree to experience a feeling of well-being.

This is because, as I have read or heard from experts more than once, exercise helps release endorphins from the body.

These hormones produced by the brain cause a soothing effect while helping to reduce negative emotions.

Keeping in mind this concept that exercise brings happiness, there is an exercise that according to science can help you feel balanced “more happy”. Find out what it is.

What exercise will help you feel happier, according to science?

HIIT is a type of activity consisting of high-intensity training performed in intervals.  A study revealed that this is what causes the greatest well-being.HIIT is a type of activity consisting of high-intensity training performed in intervals. A study revealed that this is what causes the greatest well-being.

Being physically active is synonymous with health, as once the rush starts, people feel happy both physically and mentally.

The goal to be achieved and the physical condition of each person are determining factors to achieve this When choosing the type of exercise: gentle, moderate, or intense.

But within the world of exercise possibilities, study I posted it University of Turku in Finland I have come to the conclusion that there is a certain physical activity that enhances the secretion of so-called happiness hormones.

he "Jump jacks" It is perfect for HIIT workout.  It consists of jumping straight, raising your legs in the air to the sides./ Photo Shutterstock.Jumping jacks are ideal for HIIT workouts. It consists of jumping straight, raising your legs in the air to the sides./ Photo Shutterstock.

In the research, a comparison was made of the amount of these hormones secreted between different types of exercise, and one of them won first place.

We’re talking about HIIT That’s in its English abbreviation High intensity interval training Translate as High-intensity training performed at intervals.

When it is said that this exercise helps you feel “happy” it is, as mentioned earlier, related to hormones. To understand it better In the book “Happiness Hormones” Writer Ines C. explains: Lemmel suggests that these neurotransmitters play an important role in our health.

Squats, like sit-ups, are beneficial for HIIT intervals./Photo: iStock.Squats, like sit-ups, are beneficial for HIIT intervals./Photo: iStock.

What does a HIIT workout consist of?

Very fast segments of repetitive treadmill with short periods of slow walking are also considered a HIIT combination./ Very fast sections of the treadmill that are repeated with short periods of slow walking as well is a HIIT group./

HIIT seeks to maximize your heart rate how? Well, you intersperse movements of moderate (or low) intensity with moments of high intensity and then lowering the intensity again, and so on.

What distinguishes HIIT is that its efficiency lies in the intensity of training, not its duration. Usually less than half an hour is allotted for each daily routine.

From the Mundo Deportivo website They give a very clear example. If a person runs at maximum speed for 60 seconds, then walks immediately for 90 seconds, and repeats this exercise several times, We’re talking about an obvious HIIT workout.

HIIT training routines can be performed in the gym, at home or in the park.HIIT training routines can be performed in the gym, at home or in the park.

The goal in this type of training is to give it your all in a short time and finish out of breath.

Other examples of HIIT exercises: push-ups, squats, lunges, or jumps (jumps where the legs spread outward while raising and lowering the arms, like military style).

Some benefits of HIIT

Jumping rope is one of the exercises used for intense HIIT intervals.Jumping rope is one of the exercises used for intense HIIT intervals.

Physical activity experts and sites dedicated to feel-good routines agree on certain benefits of HIIT activity. let’s see:

  • Increases cardiovascular resistance.
  • Helps lose fat.
  • It works to gain muscle mass.
  • Benefits anaerobic capacity.

For those who have a lot of time, this HIIT workout is perfect.

High-intensity cycling at short intervals also works with HIIT.High-intensity cycling at short intervals also works with HIIT.

But it is necessary to remember that before starting any type of physical training, we should consult our trusted doctor about what we can and cannot do according to our body.

Why is it so important to exercise?

Weights and dumbbells are used in HIIT intervals./ Shutterstock.Weights and dumbbells are used in HIIT intervals./ Shutterstock.

Because it generates countless health benefits such as helping in weight control, improving sleep quality, and increasing physical endurance.

from The most prestigious Mayo Clinic in the United Statestheir experts explain that this is what happens physically Exercising sends nutrients and oxygen to the tissues, increasing the capacity of the cardiovascular system.

While improving health Lungs and heart. The person feels more energy to face daily tasks.

Taking into account that physical exercise brings happiness, the specialists of this clinic explain that this is due to brain (When doing physical activity) chemicals are stimulated that help reduce anxiety, relax and feel happy.

Another point in favor is that the person improves Your self-esteem Self-confidence, and noticing positive changes in your general appearance.