It seems to be news WhatsApp Messenger It has no end, as we remember, the beta program of the aforementioned instant communication application is updated daily, thus appearing the tools that will likely reach the stable version within the next few weeks. This time, some netizens reported that the following notification appeared: “You have an invisible status update from (contact name).” Why does the notification in question appear? Below I will explain the details and possible speculations of the message as it is a feature in the development stage. Take note.
Meaning of “You have an invisible status update” notification on WhatsApp
- According to information issued by WabetaInfoa notification will appear when you are mentioned in the status, so you can quickly view the contact history.
- Another scenario is that the notification comes through interactions with your account Favorite contacts.
- Finally, you will only receive this status notification for Connections with those you frequent.
- Being any of the three options, I think it's a very useful feature Keeping you informed of status updates from people you care about.
- Don't forget that the tool is still under development.
- When there are more details about this strange notification I will update the information I provided you.
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