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What do you study with little time?

Starting in October, the training academies recommend a more dynamic and coherent review of the MIR exam.

Weeks go by and Mir Exam 2025 It is increasingly being shaped for all applicants who are preparing for the exam and want to obtain residency next year. However, The intensity of study that future residents impose on themselves Since they started preparing It may “decompose” in recent months.This is “normal” according to the academies’ preparation of the tests. Specialized health trainingAlthough there is no “magic formula” that suggests this, What exactly should I study when there are four months left for MIR?As an applicant, it is important to assume that your strength may falter, and therefore, you have to manage your studies “smartly” and do it “lightly” so as not to exhaust yourself.

This is how you define it. Medical Writing Marta Corcueralecturer at AMIR and current resident in Ophthalmology at La Paz University Hospital. The last months of MIR are for “review” and Under no circumstances should you “study too much”, Because what matters at MIR is to “know what is important well” and not to want to “cover everything”. “At this stage, they do not have the motivation and strength they had at the beginning, nor are they close to finishing and with the final adrenaline. There will be days when applicants can study more intensely and other days when it will be noticeable that they have already been there for a few months. It is normal and good for them to know themselves and not pressure themselves.“Explains.

The good thing about this second stage, according to princeis that it does not require the same amount of study intensity as the first; rather, it is an “activation phase” in which MIRs must ensure they master what matters most. Exam and focus: “In my opinion it is more bearable and helps you summarize the material more and collect a little of what you did during the first stage.” Corcuera recommends, at this stage of MIR preparation, Do a “more or less light” review.making sure to give top priority to the “most important” topics and taking the questions from the big book as a guide, stopping at important concepts.

“It is more important to conduct a global study, linking subjects and disciplines, to continue learning but in a more dynamic way.”

4-month guide to MIR exam

from CTOhis teacher MIR, Alba Maria Mazaconfirming that already in October, what needs to be done is to “Quality Study” and Review of interrelated topics and disciplinesto prepare in a more casual way, although the most necessary thing is “self-confidence”: “The very important part, which we all fail in studying for the MIR, is the confidence in ourselves and that we are able to withstand it. A good exam is the difference between whether the MIR exam is better or worse. Often, it is the confidence that the student and his team have. Ability to rescue knowledge when faced with the latest training And the exam itself generates a lot of pain.”

Maza points out that once they reach this stage, applicants have already done some deep-dive into the content, the concepts have been reinforced and they have a foundation of what MIR is. So now It’s time to “land down and locate” all this information.So he assumes that it “doesn’t make sense” for applicants to continue studying in the same way as the first months.

“When we face MIR we have to master what we know will be thrown or what is likely to fall. It makes no sense for us to study the strangest subjects. If we don’t advocate for ourselves on the simplest issues like heart disease, lung disease, infectious disease, for example, which are some of the most important issues.”

While it is important to “leave a window open” to learn new terms, at this stage, knowledge entry no longer comes so much from studying, but from asking questions, and from understanding concepts or disciplines that relate to others. “For example, if I am asking a contagious question about lung disease and asthma, and I realize that I don’t remember that part very well, I can use it and review it. It is a more global and interconnected knowledge that will keep us learning but in a more dynamic way.Instead of “kneeling down,” we can watch summaries, case studies, or videos that will keep us learning.”

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