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What Congress has so far approved of Fiden’s infrastructure and social agenda? Univision Political News

“(It) is a one-time investment in a generation that will create millions of jobs, modernize our infrastructure, our roads, our bridges, our broadband, all sorts of things, and turn the climate crisis into an opportunity,” Biden said.

“Most of the jobs it creates do not require a college degree.” Biden explained that the working class would benefit greatly from the public impact already regarded as one of the biggest political efforts to uplift the US economy by updating its transportation network.

“This package is financially responsible”, The president pointed out that it does not require debt and does not mean a tax increase for those earning less than $ 400,000 a year.

The Democrats also pointed out that this infrastructure renewal program puts the United States “on track to win the 21st century economic competition we face with China and other major powers and the rest of the world.”

“It will not be possible to outsource more jobs, higher paying jobs, union jobs, and this will make our transportation system the most important investment in passenger trains, the most important investment in 50 years, on highways,” he stressed. Bridges, the most important investment in 70 years and more investment in public transport than we have ever done.

Deal after a tough weekend fight on Capitol Hill

Other Pillar, Social and Environmental Expenditure Plan, Best Reconstruction Act ( Built Back Better) A report on the cost and financial impact of Congress is pending. When the previous day’s agreement between the centrist and progressive Democrats was overturned, the agreement allowed the removal of the threatening barrier to prevent the passage of any legislation created throughout Friday.

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Nancy Pelosi, chair of the House of Representatives, challenged the progressives to dare to overthrow the presidential initiative, adding to Biden’s last – minute efforts with the progressive Caucasus to remove the centrists’ barrier to the deal. Voting on the social agenda is expected to take place in mid-November once the report is received.

The laws that began as an ambitious and costly project are outlined Your first message to the joint session of Congress Last April, they made several changes to their steps through the Senate and House of Representatives, halving the $ 6 billion (trillions in English) proposed by the President to invest in his efforts. Laws: One for infrastructure and the other for a budget that includes social spending.

The infrastructure package received Republican support in the Senate, while the social budget did not reach it, so Democrats chose to use the reconciliation mechanism to approve it, although they were very careful not to alienate their support. Democrat senators are Kirsten Cinema of Arizona and Joe Mancin of West Virginia, Its very conservative stance has limited the scope of initiatives coming out of the White House.

This is the state of the two proposals put forward by President Biden after months of negotiations, developments, setbacks, stagnation and cuts.
