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“We have been able to meet and work alongside professionals who are different from us as lawyers and learn about medicine from another point of view”

“We have been able to meet and work alongside professionals who are different from us as lawyers and learn about medicine from another point of view”

meeting with Begona Bueno Garcia, an Intensive Care Physician with more than 15 years of experience and also holds a Master’s degree in Infectious Diseases. He attended the sixth cycle of his Master’s Degree in Medical Experience and Assessment of Bodily Injury, the best record in that edition.

I ask. How did you find out about the master’s degree? What is your primary goal in registration?

Answer. I learned about my masters degree through an online post then my teaching coordinator contacted me and explained and explained all my questions. The information was faithful to what I received later. The master’s initial objective was to obtain additional training with the intent of supplementing my assistance activity financially so that I could stop doing guard duty in the future.

Q: What aspects do you think the master’s degree has benefited you in?

A: In many aspects, namely: It has allowed me to function as an expert, with a broad scope that I can manage on my own depending on the free time my care business has left. Once I finished, they called me to view reports and assessment of physical injuries. She has trained me in aspects of my day to day activity in the hospital in which I have not trained elsewhere, which may have legal implications and are essential to our practice: proper preparation of informed consent, knowing how to write history correctly, being able to defend myself against patient complaints and many Aspects that we are not prepared for, neither in class nor during residency. It has allowed me to meet colleagues from other disciplines and exchange experiences during my master’s degree and thereafter, regarding experience. In the same way, we were able to meet and work side by side with different professionals than us as lawyers and learn about medicine from another point of view.

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Q: What assessment can you make of the taught classes? And what about the teachers?

c. Going to class every Friday is a great effort, but I recommend it to everyone. The classes are very fun and work to ask questions and clarify concepts, which are sometimes a far cry from our medical vocabulary. In addition, it allows you to meet teachers and classmates. Anyway, you have the option to stream and all the content online, which is also very useful when you can’t go to class at some point. The course materials they give you are divided into weeks so that you can organize them. And the practices of the second part of the master make you feel as if you are in a courtroom where you are prepared to face the difficulties that the opposing party and the judge may impose. From experience, I would say that I was able to apply what I learned in my master’s degree. They even give you a class on how to advertise your activity when you exercise, which will be very helpful. In short, it covers all aspects needed to train you in this subject.

The teachers are very professional, close and accessible. You have a dedicated tutor fully available to help you with everything you need, and the same is true for your master’s thesis. In the end, they become more colleagues than teachers. The professors put at your disposal all their experience in the defense of health professionals who train you better than them. In addition, she gets support from the University of Alcala.

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Q Do you think that a master’s degree is properly adapted to the real needs of everyday life?

A. Totally. Today, all health professionals are exposed to a potential patient/client claim and we must know how to deal with it and, above all, how to prevent this from happening. Every day we give informed consents, access medical records, write reports, and all too often we don’t do it properly as we should. This is what teacher improvement taught me in my daily practice.

Q: Any possible improvements? Do I recommend it? why?

As for the improvements in my personal experience, I don’t miss a thing. I recommend it, of course, because I believe that not only does it allow you to work in an aspect other than care with the possibilities involved, but that it has been necessary to improve many aspects of my hospital practice, providing added value to my resume. University of Alcala and Unitco Foundation Promoting the Master’s Degree in Medical Expertise and Assessment of Bodily Harm, which this year is promoting its eighth edition. If this is of your interest, feel free to continue this link.