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Wall Street guru’s keys to success in life

Wall Street guru’s keys to success in life

“Do not act hastily, do not let yourself be carried away by rigidity or social pressure, and let go of your ego. Take a step back and think clearly. Success often depends on small decisions you make instinctively. Stop doing that, your future depends on it. These words from Shane Parrish It summarizes the keys to achieving success in your personal and professional life. An idea that the author, considered a mentor to the greats of Wall Street, reveals in the pages of his latest book Think clearly (Planet Ed.).

Shane Parrish, a former Canadian intelligence agent, realized that the mental models and thinking techniques he used in his work as a spy could be applied equally in all areas of personal and professional life. Think clearly It is the result of many years of helping people I think it’s better, To understand that our reptilian brain sometimes pushes us to make bad decisions and that the secret of success begins with the correct identification of relevant data in the sea of ​​​​information that drowns us.

“Thinking Clearly” is a book by Shane Parrish“Thinking Clearly” (Ed. Planeta)

Keys to success

As the author himself explains, “To get the results we seek, we have to work. in first place, We must create space to reflect on our thoughts, feelings, and actions. in Second placeWe must intentionally use this space to think clearly. Decisions made with clear thinking will lead you to increasingly better jobs and from there you will reap success.”

Parrish asserts that the main enemies of thinking clearly are thus Reach success They are in the soul. Some of the keys to happiness and success, which the author explains throughout the pages of the book, have a great relationship Impulse control In the face of the complex situation, Self confidence to give in selfishnessknow how Vulnerability management And learn from Special decisions.

about him Ego and security “You need the self-confidence to think independently and remain resilient in the face of social pressure, ego, inertia, or emotion,” says the Wall Street guru. “It is also essential to understand that not all results are instant and to focus on doing what it takes to eventually achieve them.” .

In short, in Think clearlyYou can find a guide to control your mind and improve your life.

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