The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the National University of Lomas de Zamora (FCA-UNLZ) was started. Pre-registration process for entry into the second quarter of 2024. This pre-registration period, which will extend from May 2 to 24, gives those interested the opportunity to embark on an academic training journey in various fields of study.
Among the professions that will begin in this new course are agricultural engineering, animal engineering, a bachelor’s degree in social economics, university technician in agricultural food processing, university technician in animal production, and university technician in plant production. These options give students the opportunity to enter the wonderful world of agricultural sciences and develop essential skills for their future careers.
The supplementary course is also offered as an alternative for those who are studying the final year of high school, have pending subjects or have already finished middle school. This additional training opportunity is an important step on the path to academic excellence and personal growth.
To facilitate the pre-registration process, FCA-UNLZ has implemented a virtual system that can be accessed through its official website, Here, those interested will find a detailed tutorial that will guide them in creating a user and entering the necessary data into the SIU-Ciclo 2024 pre-registration system.
It is important to note that students who reside more than 50 kilometers from the college or who provide justified reasons can choose to take the supplementary training course virtually, with the possibility of taking the exam in person on campus.
For more information and to clarify any questions, email has been activated [email protected]As well as phone numbers 11 2078-0500 ext. 1023 and WhatsApp 1150292147.

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