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Viral video |  Mother-level cheating: He told her they were going to Chayanne’s party in Monterey, but he took her to get vaccinated |  Tik Tok |  Mexico |  Directions |  Directions |  nnda nnrt |  Mexico

Viral video | Mother-level cheating: He told her they were going to Chayanne’s party in Monterey, but he took her to get vaccinated | Tik Tok | Mexico | Directions | Directions | nnda nnrt | Mexico

No doubt Do you Most mothers are in Since everything related to the Puerto Rican singer, songwriter, dancer, and actor drives them crazy, especially when it comes to seeing him sing live; However, prof Subscribed to more than one Shows how young from He took advantage of his mother’s intolerance towards a translator Torero To deceive her and push her to be vaccinated against .

In the under-minute photos, it was originally posted on May 8th On the account It was replicated shortly after on various social platforms, when a person was observed driving a truck on the streets With his mom as a co-pilot, he’s so excited to see him In coordination, until they come across a long line of vehicles.

“Is this the line to see?” ? “The woman asked her son who, after the match, replied that this was because of the 52-year-old artist “Famous”Although he finally decided to acknowledge his true intentions. Well, what do you think, mom? It’s not even in Monterey. I brought you to be vaccinated. “He specified, his mother answered him – hit him -: “What a bastard! Is that the reason you brought me here?”.

To try to calm his mother’s anger, the author of a book from Remind him when you take him without his permission to get vaccinated when he was young, and he assured that now that he’s vaccinated, it will be easier for him to see the singer alive. “It made me so beautiful that you would take me to see . All my life I ask you … ”The woman cut off before receiving her dose of the vaccine against Covid-19.

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So far, the from She has over 5’300,000 views, nearly a million million “ likes ” and thousands of comments, most of which he made all kinds of jokes about the lady’s intolerance towards Chayanne, although others did not hesitate to assert that everything was staged and that the theatrical abilities For her heroes she left much to be desired.

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