The Avila Health Service has offered and covered 26 Medical Resident (MIR) positions that will be in family medicine, in health centers, and also in nine specialties during the year 2023. This means that all the positions offered have received those interested, which is especially visible in the case of family and community medicine, With those nine designated places all corresponding to urban centres, i.e. in the capital city of Ávila (none in cities) although the exact distribution is yet to be determined. In contrast to what happened in Avila, with this full coverage, considering that in Castilla y León, the allocation of places in the training program by the residency system for the specialty of medicine ended on Sunday with the result of 55 vacancies in family medicine and society. Accordingly, 55 positions in this specialty remained vacant out of a total of 190 positions offered by the Ministry of Health for the year 2023, which represents 28.9 percent, according to Ikal.
In addition to the family area, where Avila also has four family nursing positions and three obstetrics and gynecology nursing positions, ten MIR positions will be dedicated to majors. Two places were allocated for internal medicine and another for psychiatry, anesthesiology, resuscitation, general surgery, gastroenterology, urology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, orthopedics, fractures and radiological diagnosis.
All these places are for the doctors who will do their residency in Avila, but what happens after that must also be taken into account, that is, how they are integrated into the system later, when this stage is over. According to the most recent data released recently, the 2023 Loyalty and Talent Recruitment Program for resident physicians who have completed specialist health training in the NHS had three residencies in Avila in mind, one for the hospital and two for family physicians. The aim of this program is that doctors who have just finished their residency can join and thus respond to the care needs that arise, mainly due to the many retirements that will occur in the near future. In Avila, among the last residents (whose number has not been disclosed) three are integrated through this loyalty program, in family medicine with two places (in Arenas and Sotillo) and another for internal medicine.
Awards. With regard to the most recent data known to residents, in Castilla y León only the health regions of Avila, Salamanca, Segovia, Valladolid Este, Valladolid Oeste and Zamora managed to take their places while those who aroused less interest by doctors are Miranda de Ebro and Aranda de Duero Miranda de Duero, Leon, Valencia and Syria. This means, according to Ical, that everything seems to indicate that the shortage of physicians working in primary care will not be resolved with this last call. Not surprisingly, family medicine lasted another year as the least attractive specialty. In Spain as a whole, 202 family and community medicine positions remained vacant, of which 55 were in Castilla y León. In other words, one in four jobs that doctors don’t cover is in the community.
Regarding the situation in Castilla y León, the Independent Trade Unions and Central Officials (CSIF) denounce that the junta of Castilla y León is unable to cover the positions of the MIR residents, who have expressed their “enormous concern” about the fact that the community is not “attractive to young doctors”. That is why they ask the Ministry of Health to conduct an in-depth analysis and advocate for improvements in working conditions and economic conditions such as increasing the salaries of guards or paying one hundred percent of the cost of travel.

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