Octavio Uña Juárez, Brime de Sog (1945), received a tribute last night at the Ramos Carrión Theater in the capital of Zamora for his long professional career. The President of the Provincial Council of Zamora, Francisco José Requejo, presented the honors that professors, writers, poets and academic bodies have given to Professor, Writer and Professor of Zamora Octavio Una. An action also attended by the fourth Vice President, José Luis Prieto Calderon.
The event hosted the presentation of the book “Intellectum Valdi Amma”. Love Intelligence Intensely, collecting over 300 contributions from many intellectuals about the life of Octavio Uña.
The honors laureate’s extensive curriculum was included in the regional institution’s chair, who he described as “a round intellectual, a very sympathetic person, an intelligent teacher and a brilliant creator.”
“In addition, Octavio is a Zamorano, proud to be an intellectual who carries our province as its flag and one of the best ambassadors of our country,” said Francisco José Requejo.
Octavio Onya, born in Prem de Sug, has five degrees, a PhD in political science and sociology and has received an exceptional doctorate award from the Complutense University of Madrid, among other degrees.
Biography of the glass writer
Octavio Onya, Spanish teacher and writer. He holds five accredited degrees (in Philosophy, Letters, Psychology, Political Science and Sociology from the Complutense University and in Philosophy, Humanities and Theology from the University of Comillas), a Doctor of Political Science and Sociology and an Extraordinary Ph.D. from the Complutense University of Madrid, where he taught for many years, as a professor Contracted, full-time professor, and delegated professor of sociology. He has won three University Chairs (Sociology) by opposition in three Spanish Universities, Attaché at Pontificia de Salamanca and Attaché and Chair of Philosophy at IES with the highest qualification in both national appeals. Scholarship from the Ministry of Education and Science twice for his academic records, furthering his studies in Germany, England, Belgium and the United States. He is the author of an extensive scientific and literary work.
During his long teaching career, he has been Director of the Departments of Social Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, Communication Sciences, and Sociology, Director of the Field of Sociology, Member of the Board of Directors, Member of the Faculty Council, Senate and Advisory Board. Member of the Board and Senate of the Complutense University of Madrid, member of the Faculty Council of the Complutense University of Madrid, of the University of Castilla-La Mancha and of the Pontifical University of Salamanca. Senator of the Pontifical University of Salamanca. He is also the Director of Seminars on Theoretical and Methodological Innovation in the Social Sciences.
He was Professor, Dean, Member of the Board of Trustees, Director of the Royal University College María Cristina de Escorial (Complutense University of Madrid) and Director Escurialense Legal Yearbook. Dean of the Faculty of Humanities (University of Castilla-La Mancha). Professor at the Seminary of Hispanic Studies (Universities of North Carolina and California), visiting or invited professor of a large number of Spanish and foreign universities and research centers, (Portugal, Gibraltar, Italy, United States, France, Luxembourg, Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, Puerto Rico , Costa Rica, Egypt, Iraq, Australia, New Zealand, Angola, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, etc.). Professor at the Royal College Alfonso XII (San Lorenzo de El Escorial), VOX Institute, ESIC, Fundación Repsol, among other centres. He has participated in academic and research programs, doctoral courses and conference courses at UNAM Institute of Social Sciences as a visiting professor for several years. University Orientation Course Delegate. Head of the Department of Educational Information and Documentation at the Institute of Educational Sciences at Complutense University (ICEUM).
His distinctive lines of research include the sociology of knowledge and communication, the sociology of culture, literature and art, and social theory. Director, coordinator, principal investigator or researcher of a large number of national and international research projects. Founding member of the Network for Interdisciplinary Studies on Science and Technology (REICyT), based at the Institute for Social Research at UNAM (from 2006 to 2016). Founding member and representative of Spain and Portugal of the Ibero-American Association of Frontier Studies, based at the University of Baja California (Tijuana, Mexico), since 1989. Member of the Scientific Committees (Sociology Theory, Sociology of Culture and Arts, Sociology of Communication and Language) of the Spanish Sociological Federation ( FES). Director of Research Projects, Ministry of Defense (CESEDEN), author and newspaper editor Sociology Dictionary (ESIC). Director of seventy doctoral dissertations. Member of the editorial board or advisory board of twenty Spanish and foreign scientific journals. Octavio Onya is the author of an extensive scientific and literary work.
Professor of Doctoral Courses and Doctoral Programs (UCM, USC, UCLM, UAM (Autonomous University of Madrid), UNAM, among others), Extraordinary Professor of Doctoral Courses and Doctoral Programs of the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of UPSA (from 1987 to 2017). Founder and Director of the Master’s Program in Business Communication Management and Research (from 2006 to 2016). Professor with a Master’s degree in International Relations and Diplomacy, and member of the Academic Committee, Diplomatic School of Madrid, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (2005-2017). Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the National Congress of Sociology of Castilla-La Mancha (Association of Castilian-Manchegan Sociology), annually (six of its twenty-sixth editions have been international), from 1995 to the present. He has also participated in the 14 National Congresses of the Spanish Sociological Federation (FES).
Founder of the Castilian Sociological Association (Madrid today), founder and president (from 1995 to the present) of the Castilian-Manchegan Sociological Association (ACMS) and founder and director of the Journal of Social Sciences. Cheap (1998-2014). Member of the Federal Council of the Spanish Federation of Sociology (FES), since 1995. President of the Institute of Science and Society, Madrid (from 2003 to 2015). He was President of the Castillas y León Association (Barcelona), as well as President of the Institute of Spanish Poetry Studies (Madrid-Mexico, 2003-2014), and is currently Vice-President of the Ibero-American Academy of Writers and Journalists. Vice Chair of Literature at the Ateneo de Madrid. Chairman of the Jury of the “Fermín Caballero” Prizes for Short Essay in Social Sciences, Toledo (from 2002 to the present). Member of the Humanities Jury for the San Viator Prize for Research in Sciences and Humanities, Colegio San Viatore, Madrid (from 2005 to 2016). Member of the jury of the “Cafetín Croché” Literary Poetry Awards, San Lorenzo de El Escorial (since 1985). Member of the Cátedra China Prize Jury. Member of the jury of the National Essay Award and member of the jury of the National Prize for Spanish Literature. He has won many awards and honors.
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