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Video: They question Alfredo Adam’s sexual orientation and he’s frankly candid

Video: They question Alfredo Adam’s sexual orientation and he’s frankly candid

Actor and driver Alfredo Adam He does not stop his scandals. On this occasion, one of his fiercest critics, Carlos Trigo, returned to respond and again expressed his opinion on the former presenter of “Hui”, statements that sparked controversy after previous problems for both, including a meeting over the episode that is no longer performed.

Namely, the categorical comments of the ghost hunter have consistently angered the soap opera actor, especially with some referring to his sexual orientation. It was a few months ago when Trigo He put forward the theory that Adame maintains a relationship not only of friendship or work, but also of his actor, Fernando Ramirez.

On a TV show, Trejo noted: “I met this boy when he was producing for a good friend, we arranged to do a TV project that didn’t materialize… He told me he had an affair with Mr. Adame, and the first thing I told him was ‘Your life, your thing, I don’t have anything to do with him, but I don’t work with People hanging out with Adame in any way.”

These statements made Adam decide to explain some points about his private life to the morning cameras “Come Joy”: Yes, I’m out of the closet, and out of my relationship, come to Fernandeto so they can see, isn’t my friend handsome? He mocked the joke, and similarly denied the comments made by the ghost hunter.

Trejo’s statements are attributed by Fernando himself to having left him to work with Adame: “I won’t speak ill of him, but his courage was that I stopped working with him to be with Alfredo.”

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Meanwhile, the actor noted: “Trejo called him so he could produce a show for him on YouTube, and after three months of conversations, looking for his coffee and food, Fernando called me to work with me… He even threatened to kill him.”.

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