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Venezuela is strengthening scientific and technological capabilities through new IVIC research units and centers

Venezuela is strengthening scientific and technological capabilities through new IVIC research units and centers

The Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (IVIC) is an organization under the Ministry of Popular Power of Science and Technology (Mincyt), whose mission is to generate knowledge through basic and applied scientific research, technological development and training of human talent. level in Venezuela.

IVIC has several research centers in various branches of science, and recently the national government, in collaboration with Mincyt, launched three new areas of research in the Environmental Sciences Unit, a research center responsible for studying environmental problems affecting the country and the planet, as well as proposing science-based solutions. .

One such center is the Center for the Study of Global Environmental Crises, a space dedicated to analyzing the impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution and degradation of natural resources, as well as designing adaptation and mitigation strategies. Its main purpose is to generate and integrate the technical and scientific knowledge needed to support decision-making and public policy design regarding environmental crises.

While the Center for Atmospheric Sciences and Biogeochemistry studies the composition, dynamics and chemistry of the atmosphere, as well as the interactions between biogeochemical cycles and climate, in order to generate scientific knowledge about the interactions between the atmosphere, the biosphere, the terrestrial and the ocean. and its modifications, as a result of human pollution, that support decision-making related to environmental quality, and enhance Venezuela's ability to respond at the local, regional and international levels regarding social and environmental problems and global change.

Likewise, the new Center for Oceanographic and Antarctic Studies focuses on studying the physical, chemical, biological and geological processes that occur in the oceans and in Antarctica, as well as their relationship to climate and environment; In addition to contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and technology in marine and coastal sciences that contribute to solving local, regional and national problems, thus significantly enhancing training, transfer and dissemination of knowledge in marine science and research. .

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With the launch of these research units and centers, the national government seeks to strengthen Venezuela's scientific and technological capacity, as well as to enhance national and international cooperation on issues of environmental concern. These initiatives are essential to confront the challenges posed by climate change and the environmental crisis, and to contribute to the sustainable development of the country and the planet.

IVIC, as a leading knowledge generation institution, is positioned as a key actor in building a more just, supportive and environmentally aware society.

Communications Department Office of the Ministry of Popular Science and Technology/Journalist: Nailit Rojas Garcia.