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Vargas Llosa criticized the interference of foreign presidents: “They interfered improperly in the affairs of Peru”

Vargas Llosa criticized the interference of foreign presidents: “They interfered improperly in the affairs of Peru”

Mario Vargas Llosa’s speech at the Government Palace after receiving the Order of the Sun. N channel

Mario Vargas Llosa Defend the legitimacy of the president Dina Polwart This Wednesday, when he got on Grand Collar of the Order of the Sun, The highest national honor a month after joining the French Academy.

In his speech, the 2010 Nobel Prize for Literature considered that “some ‘foreign presidents’ have inappropriately interfered in Peruvian affairs, blown neighbors down, and called into question the legitimacy” of the head of state.

to Vargas LlosaPolitical leaders who do not recognize Boulwart’s administration, including Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico) and Gustavo Petro (Colombia), “were moved for ideological reasons or political interests.”

The Spanish-Peruvian writer pointed out that “democracy prevails in Peru and we strongly reject its interference, which violates international standards and the most basic principles of good neighborliness.” Patricia yusahis ex-wife.

The moment Mario Vargas Llosa was awarded. N channel

He added that he respected the policy, which “embodied” Bulwart nonetheless The Economist It ceased to regard the state as a democratic system, and secured it in the category of a hybrid system, due to the “unstable political environment, extreme polarization, and extreme tolerance towards the military government.”

despite of He pointed out that he had not separated from the Peruvian situation despite his residence abroad since his defeat at the hands of Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000), Vargas Llosa He made no mention of the deaths at the anti-government protests in which Poulwart faces a preliminary investigation for genocide.

This past February, in the midst of the social outbreak, a Nobel laureate made history by joining the French Academythe institution responsible for ensuring the purity of Molière’s language, at a solemn ceremony in Paris.

Mario Vargas Llosa’s relatives congratulated him Video: TV PERU

His ties to Peruvian politics have kept him closely tied to the situation and, in the 2021 presidential election, led him to surprising support for Keiko Fujimori (daughter of Alberto Fujimori) against Pedro Castillo, of whom Pollarte was vice president.

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The chief indicated Vargas Llosa As “the greatest bookmark of letters in Peru and one of the most important in America and the world,” as well as a highlight of the Nobel Prize and its recent incorporation into the French Academy.

“It is a milestone that glorifies Peruvian culture, to be the first writer not to write a work in French, but for his award-winning work that is part of the world heritage,” he said. The chancellor was also present at the ceremony Anna Cecilia Gervasi and other members of the Cabinet.

The head of state also mentioned it Vargas Llosa He devoted almost all of his work to the depiction of Peru and that he was “a staunch defender of it.” Democracy and freedomDuring the ceremony, the Nobel laureate hesitated on several occasions when reading his speech and left some sentences unfinished.