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US clarifies it never asked Dominican Republic to accept Haitians |  AlMomento.net

US clarifies it never asked Dominican Republic to accept Haitians | AlMomento.net

US Embassy in Santo Domingo

SANTO DOMINGO.- President Joe Biden's administration has never asked the Dominican Republic to accept the flow of undocumented immigrants, the US embassy said Saturday.

He made it clear that he respects Dominican sovereignty and his government's decision to protect its borders and implement an immigration policy.

Denial Senator Marcos Rubio

Marcos Rubio

Although it did not directly mention it, the diplomatic panel directly disputed a statement by Democratic Senator Marcos Rubio of Florida, who said earlier in the day that US President Joe Biden's administration had pressured him. The Dominican Republic will accept three million Haitians on its territory

“The Biden administration, influenced by far-left groups like Amnesty International, is insisting that (the Dominican Republic) accept three million Haitians “at any time.

Also, Rubio described as “unfair” the U.S. pressure on the Dominican Republic to welcome Haitians, which is “a developing country with limited resources that already has obligations to Haiti.”


The following is an explanatory statement from the US Embassy in the Dominican Republic:

“We respect the sovereignty of the Dominican Republic government to protect its borders and implement its immigration policy. We have never asked the Dominican Republic to accept the flow of undocumented immigrants. We continue to emphasize the importance of respecting the rule of law, international obligations and human rights in the Dominican Republic and throughout the world. As we expressed on April 12, we recognize the commitment of President Abinader's government to investigate allegations of abuse and corruption and hold the officials involved accountable.

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