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URSE’s School of Management Sciences will open doors open to ORIGEN’s restaurant

URSE’s School of Management Sciences will open doors open to ORIGEN’s restaurant

On the afternoon of April 28, URSE signed a general cooperation agreement with ORIGEN Restaurant in relation to socio-professional service for the benefit of students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at this educational institution.
As a result, students are close to graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration; Accounting and Financial Strategies, you may work in the administrative field of this company in order to gain workplace experience and enhance the knowledge contained in the semester.
During his message, MDF Miguel Ángel Hernández Mendoza, President of URSE, showed his gratitude to the Director General of Origin, for the facilities that they will provide to students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, so that they can perform in a real environment, where they will have a high-level education with the aim of their professional development and work.
URSE attended at the signing of the agreement: MA Claudia Patricia Reyes Sánchez, Director General of Student Affairs; BA Maribel Arango Bolaños, Director of the School of Management Sciences and LN Ivette Santiago Serrano, Director of the School of Nutrition; While the Origen restaurant was attended by General Manager Rudolfo Castellanos Reyes.

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