Here in just a few minutes.So let the thought go noWill I come back maybe? everythingIn “Awake Arica”.Thanks 1 donationMillion College Scientistsof medicineTaylor opened store doorsNew health center lowcost.Nathalie: Stop it todayThe doctor accompanies us. ButI was. Thank you for joining usthis morning. I will love ittell me firstWhere is the center located?Why is it so important.>> Like I mentioned, thisThat was thanksA gift. We are veryGrateful, this centerSouthwest Monument.We chose this area becauseWe saw that this is where there is moreNeed Hispanic residents.Nathali: to have peopleWithout health insurance, as you sayHispanic society, that isThe area is indicatedHouston MetropolitanThe area with people withoutHealth insurance up to the levelthe National.something very disturbing,doctor. What is your opinion?>> agree. is 1 millionpeople rely onPreparationof people who do not havemedical insurance. It’s sarcasticsolution for these peopleWhere would they be able to?Pay monthly membership andThey will provide you with primary carevery complete.Nathalie: I understand thatThey were treating patientsThis was a site fortraining for students,Is she there?>> í. I don’t like the wordTraining but the ideaTeach them howMedicine. head doctorit’s awho is availableProblems solved. We are going tomakebasic medicine forSort.This is the idea.And we want to show you thisForm.nathaly: very capable in the small houseThey must have some doubtHow will the payments workFor patients and what kindFrom the service they receivedveb access to the center.>> Sure. Primary health careWait everything was on 90% oftheconditions that we have. How doWill you pay? It’s organic$60 per month per month.The idea is to get to 24Month. We will have oneplatform for this kind ofCalls and textsOr if they go to the office if it isit is necessary. This is itIn general the concept thatYou have.Nathalie: When the position is openedAnd where can they?Get little wings fromAbout this?>> Knock on wood in Octoberis the goal to open

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