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UNMSM: The College of Administrative Sciences opens the first flower games |  News

UNMSM: The College of Administrative Sciences opens the first flower games | News

Essay, story, poetry and photography are the four categories of the First Pink Games “Elizabeth Canales Ibar” held by the Faculty of Management Sciences (FCA) of the National University of San Marcos (UNMSM), on the occasion of its 471st anniversary. Dean of America.

FCA undergraduate students enrolled in the 2022-I cycle can participate in these floral games.

“These games aim to enhance and develop the artistic talents and soft skills of our students, strengthening their humanistic training, leadership, professional balance and culture,” explained FCA Dean, Augusto Hidalgo.

“This year’s games show the character of our former Dean and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Elizabeth Canales, a victim of the COVID-19 pandemic,” added the Dean.

Opening in Kasuna

On Saturday May 14th, at 11:00 am, these pink games will open in the public hall of the San Marcos Cultural Center, in the University Park, downtown Lima. The event will be attended by prominent writer and poet Marco Martos, former president of the Academy of the Peruvian Language.

In addition to a programmed music show. In the first part, he will be in charge of Javier Echecopar, musician and solo guitarist. And at the moment of closing, two students from the FCA will step in, along with contemporary bus instructor Juan Rebaza Cárdenas.

jurors by category

The distinguished thinkers make up the jury team for each category, who expressed their satisfaction with the promotion of this type of activity adding to the overall training of the students.

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“I appreciate the admission of the jury, we are proud of their presence because their participation enhances these games and distinguishes our university – as the FCA Dean said -. We are sure that they will motivate students to claim themselves a prominent place in this competition.”

In the article category, The jury consists of Carmen McEvoy (historian and diplomat), Vicente Ota (sociologist specializing in cultural studies), Marcos Garvias (historian from UNMSM, IEP researcher.

in the hair category The jury consists of Marco Martos (poet and former president of the Academy of the Peruvian Language), Enrique Sánchez Hernani (sociologist, poet and journalist) and Gloria Alvetris (journalist and poet).

In the story category, Gloria Caceres (Quechua poet, writer and translator of stories), Carlos Fryer (novelist, short story writer, and poet) and Javier Arevalo (writer, novelist and essayist) are among the jurors.

finally, In the photography category, The jury consists of Oscar Ciampi (sociologist and photographer), Fleur Ruiz (journalist and social communicator) and Jorge Verastegui (outstanding photojournalist of the 1960s).

The submission period for works runs until July 23, while winners will be awarded on August 26.

More on Andean:

(end) NDP / CCH

Publication date: 5/11/2022