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UNLPam’s Faculty of Health Sciences was created this Wednesday

UNLPam’s Faculty of Health Sciences was created this Wednesday

The call to the University Assembly will be at 2:30 pm at Aula Magna de Gil 353. On the one hand, this is an important event for the institutional life of the University of Pampas, since the last meeting took place in 2001, and the last reform of the statutes occurred in November 1996.
But in addition to this, the importance of the invitation lies in the proposal to establish the Faculty of Health Sciences, an initiative that began with the establishment of the Interfaculty Department by a decision of the Supreme Council itself, during Oscar Alba’s first term as President of the University. UNLPam.

The Vice Chancellor in Charge of University Administration, Maria Emma Martin, highlighted the call. The proposal also indicates the conviction that a comprehensive reform of the entire statute is necessary, and that the new text must be prepared in non-sexist language, and include, among other things, the political citizenship of pre-university teaching, building on the work of the Special Committee, and the commitment that this new Assembly shall be convened in within no more than a year of what will be held on Wednesday the Twelfth.”

The establishment of this college has strong support from the provincial government. In November 2021, Governor Sergio Ziliuto met with University President Oscar Alba – today on leave, due to his position in the Ministry of National Education – and ensured national funding for UNLPam’s nursing degree, for permanent continuity. The decision was an important step for the new college.

“We are signing the nursing agreement and from here we are also talking about the future Faculty of Health Sciences, and we are thinking about other jobs that can also be added in the health field,” Zilioto said at the time. These are the issues we have been talking about for a long time with Minister (Mario) Cohan and Undersecretary (Health, Gustavo) Vera. Also think about how the coordination and structure will be, after the new hospital is finished, and the possibility of a physical place where we can think and work in technical teams together, the government and the university.”

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