Independent students who see the need for unity of the entire left in the university, we suggest to our comrades from El Frente (Labour) and MST, as well as to the various left groups in the university, that they join FIT in college, as we do nationally. The power that was expressed in the last national legislative elections, being the third national force and in the streets against the IMF, together with Representatives Nicolas del Canio, Miriam Bregman, Alejandro Villa must be shown in medical sciences.
We made this same call before the 2019 elections, but these groups decided to go to List 8 along with La Mella, La Emergente and other political organizations that the Todos Front indicated at the national level. These government-linked groups were part of keeping the student movement quiet while at the national level the Peronists, Radicals, and Makrista gave the green light to an agreement with the IMF.
It may interest you: For the first time the left front is submitted for the Medical Sciences Student Center elections
After a few days of 24 million PTS and the various parties of the Left Unity Front together with the meeting of memory, truth and justice, we will fight a fundamental battle in the streets so that the memory of the 30,000 will not be left behind. Colonial pact with the Fund. We call once again for the unity of the entire left to strengthen the FMed (University of Medical Sciences – UBA) left front list that stands against the amendment of the Alberto and Cristina government, which is advancing along with the opposition of the macrista in the foreclosure. The future of workers, youth, women and future generations at the hands of the International Monetary Fund.
Today, in the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Left Front proposes a perspective in which we shift our priorities, to get the public education we deserve and that there are decent conditions in hospitals, where we will work as health professionals of the future.
Join us in promoting an independent alternative that proposes a change in priorities in an IMF-ruled country.

“Social media evangelist. Student. Reader. Troublemaker. Typical introvert.”
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