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UdeC political science students attend Congress to learn how it works

UdeC political science students attend Congress to learn how it works

A group of students from the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences in the Arab Republic of Egypt Columbia Universityawent to State Congress In order to identify the work that takes place in the Legislative Palace.

His visit to the Legislative Council coincided with developments in the House of Representatives Open Parliament Forum of reforms in Sustainable Mobility Lawrelated to motorcycle taxis, at the invitation of the Urban Development and Mobility Commission, headed by Rep David Gragalis Perez.

A group of university students attended the deputy Priscilla Garcia Delgadothe head of committee Transparency and anti-corruption in the sixtieth legislature, which explained what was going on in the state Congress.

Later he met the group in the conference room “Profr. Macario G. Barbosa”, where he explained in detail the way it was done Legislaturethe establishment of parliamentary blocs, and the function of each of them, as well as the incorporation of permanent legislative committees, through which work is attended within Congress, and through which the various initiatives that are introduced, either new laws or reforms and additions to existing laws are analyzed.

At the meeting and during the tour, legislator Priscilla Garcia resolved students’ suspicions, helping her collaborators provide detailed and accurate information to university students.

This visit is part of a work program in order to have direct contact with related areas Vocational training they are studying

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