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UdeC Forest Sciences has provided over 2,500 native tree plants to the community

UdeC Forest Sciences has provided over 2,500 native tree plants to the community

Photography: Carolina Echagüe M.

Under the slogan Trees, great pillars of nature. the The Faculty of Forestry Sciences of the University of Concepción presented more than 2,500 native tree plants to the community.

Thousands of people from the early hours of the morning came to the central courtyard of the college, committed to reforestation and caring for the environment, and accepted the invitation to take the first step and plant a tree.

Dean of the University of Concepción, Dr. Carlos SaavedraVice-Chancellor for Institutional Relations and Links with the Environment, Dr.. Jimena JoshiDean of the College of Forest Sciences, Dr.. Eugenio SanfuentesTogether with representatives of public institutions and NGOs, they handed over the first plants to the community, recognizing the importance of this sustainability initiative for the House of Studies.

“We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks from the college to the community for receiving this rendition of local trees, allowing us to teach first-hand about the importance of these trees and caring for them, forests and nature, while being committed to the environment,” said Dean of the College of Forest Sciences.

Together with the Araucaria, Maitén, Quillay, Roble, Arrayán and Peumo specimens delivered, on this occasion an advisory service on care and maintenance was also carried out, coordinated by the students of the faculty. Meanwhile, the Forest Insect Laboratory, in charge of Dr. Daniel Aguilera Olivares, participated in a space called “Knowing Insects”.

Dean Sanfuentes highlighted the importance of this type of initiative and the college’s availability to continue developing activities, together with the community, that enrich the process of training students and allow us to be a bridge between the business world and the different reality. that may require support.

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Finally, this meeting also made it possible to announce the activities of various organizations in the forestry sector, such as: Corma, Conaf, Infor, Cifag and Fundación Él rbol, who also presented the content of scientific publication and interest in society.

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