Habitat College maintains an open January-April 2022 call for a master’s degree in Habitat Science, a part-time, professional graduate program taught in the evenings and on weekends, according to Coordinator Mtra. Norma Alejandra Gonzalez Vega.
He explained that this educational program will start studying in August of this year, after it has undergone a rigorous selection process for members of the 2022-2024 generation. In this sense, he commented that his students are not only from the college itself, but from other degrees such as economics, communication sciences, contemporary art, engineering, and humanities fields.
Gonzalez-Vega said the Masters in Habitat Sciences is in good standing at the regional level as the citizens of Zacatecas, Veracruz, Tamaulipas, Yucatan, Aguascalientes and Guanajuato were part of its generations.
It contains five terminal fonts: typographic and editorial design. Architectural and urban space. construction management and project management; Mexican art history as well as product design and management. It lasts for two years and receives between 15 and 20 students per generation.
Some of the entry requirements are: to have a Bachelor’s grade point average of 8, to have a previous interview with the coordination, English of 450 points, to take a preparatory course conducted in July, to submit a preparatory project to be accepted, among others.
The postgraduate course contains various laboratories such as images and workshops for product development and design; In addition, it has access to 3D printing equipment, or information from the Architecture and Urbanism Research Center.
In conclusion, the coordinator said rain. Norma Alejandra González has invited those interested in this graduate course to call 444 8 26 23 12 to 15, ext. 6824, email: posgrado@fh.uaslp.mx or visit the graduate website. http://habitat.uaslp.mx/iip/Paginas/mch_convocatoria.aspx

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