East Africa News Post

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Se programaron conferencias magistrales y mesas temáticas y puede asistir la comunidad universitaria y el público en general.

UAdeC Academic Week begins

From today until September 9 this year, the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences (FCPyS) of the UAdeC Unit in Torreon will implement the Academic Political Science Week “50 Years of Political Science and Public Administration in Comarca Lagunera”. For this purpose, Aula Magna and Infoteca de Ciudad Universitaria are designated as places.

For this academic week, major conferences and thematic schedules are scheduled and the university community and the general public can attend. FCPyS Director Ricardo Jurado, as well as Jesus Yahr Barraza and Edson Almenza, members of the organizing committee, said the intention is to have free, deliberate and analytical participation in the coming political year.

PRI Senator for Coahuila Veronica Martinez will open Political Science Week today, September 5, at 9 a.m.

On September 6 at 9 a.m., Dr. Mauricio Merino Huerta, then General Counsel of the Federal Electoral Institute, will participate, and at noon, the participation of the Federal Under-Secretary of Public Security, Ricardo Mejia Berdiga, is scheduled.

While Dr. Carlos Salazar Vargas, a specialist in public policy, will present himself on September 7 at 9 am. On September 8 at the same time, Dr. Jesus Tovar Mendoza, President of the Mexican Association of Political Science, will appear, and on September 9, the Federal Representative of the Workers’ Party, Gerardo Fernandez Noronha, will speak before the audience.

In addition, there will be the following committees: founders, student organizations, gender perspective in public administration, electoral institutes, alumni who have worked in public administration, political parties, metropolitan area municipalities, public administration and security.

The program is held to be developed in a face-to-face format, and those who attend one hundred percent of its activities will receive a diploma of methodological value. The round tables will have advocates from various professional fields and at a national level, with the intervention of the principals of the college, members of the first generation to have graduated from the school that was founded at that time in 1972.

Political Science Week is supported by the Turion Committee of the National Association of Political Science Students “Miguel Ramos Arizpe” and the National Association of Political Science and Public Administration (ANECPAP AC). The full course of conferences and table topics can be through Facebook Live. People who want more information can go to the official Facebook page: Local Committee “Miguel Ramos Arizpe” Anecpap AC. Coahuila or call 8711715679.