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UACh: Re-elected Dean of Agricultural and Food Sciences

UACh: Re-elected Dean of Agricultural and Food Sciences

According to a statement published by Austral University, Dr. José Dorner Fernández has been re-elected Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences for the period 2023-2026.

It should be noted that on this occasion, Dorner ran as the sole candidate for the position.

Of the total universe (31), 26 people voted in person and one electronically, while the result of the vote was 23 upvotes and 4 blank votes.

Dean Dorner thanked the academics who participated in this vote and promised to continue working in this college during a later period.

“I am very excited and energetic to continue the work and I hope that this will develop within a normal framework in the coming years (referring to the pandemic), so that we can make this college increasingly better and which is characterized by strengths and achievements in its various fields of work,” he noted, once completed. the operation.

a path

Dr. Jose Dorner Fernandez is an agronomist at La Austral University in Chile. It was in this House of Studies that he discovered his passion for soil science thanks to his teacher and mentor, Dr. Achim Ellis (RIP). There he decided to continue his studies to specialize in Soil Physics at Christian Albrechts-University in Kiel (Germany), and obtained his PhD in Agricultural Sciences in 2005.

Since 2006, he has worked at the Institute of Agriculture and Soil Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, UACh and is currently a professor at the same institute. He has been Director of the Graduate School, Vice President of the Faculty and Director of its Institute.

He is also the editor-in-chief of Agrosur magazine and was the director and promoter of the Center for Volcanic Soil Research (CISVo) in this house of studies. In 2015, he was awarded the “Georg Foster Fellowship for Experienced Researchers” from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany, of which he is now an alumnus.

His line of research aims to study the physical behavior of volcanic ash-derived soils under a wide range of use and management intensities. In this context, he studied how, by managing and conserving soil structure, water could be used more efficiently in agriculture, and he analyzed the effects of land-use change on transportation. air in the soil.

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