Mexico – The Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC), through its Guadalupe Victoria School of Engineering and Business (FIN-GV) is increasing its educational offering for the Mexicali Valley, by including the educational program Bachelor of Science in Education that will begin to be taught from the 2021-2 semester.
“This is an effort by our university to increase opportunities for professional education in the Mexicali Valley,” said the director of this academic unit, Ana Maria Vazquez Espinosa.
He explained that the Bachelor of Science in Education is a program that aligns with the program currently offered at the College of Humanities at the Mexicali campus and the College of Administrative and Social Sciences at the Ensenada campus. It should be noted that both programs are accredited for their quality.
A Bachelor of Science in Education is a professional with the ability to design, operate, manage and evaluate programs, as well as projects in various fields and educational levels.
It has the necessary tools to educate and train teachers in various educational modalities and levels. In addition, it has the ability to conduct research that allows identifying needs and solving educational problems.
The Director stated that the introduction of this professional career, especially in the Mexicali Valley, is of great importance because it will meet the needs of the education sector in this field. It will support the training of professionals who can perform various activities within educational institutions in this field.
He added that Guadalupe Victoria is in the middle of the Mexicali Valley, which favors the attendance of residents of nearby towns, including San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora. This way, it will not be necessary for them to move to the city or change profession to have the educational programs they want to study at their fingertips. “This is how we offer more opportunities to young people to make the Mexicali Valley grow.”
One of the advantages of the FIN-GV is a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, so that in practice the infrastructure and staff available can strengthen and educate the Bachelor’s degree in Education.
For the 2021-2 semester, 80 students will enter, part of the 3,570 new places the university has expanded, who will start in the common trunk and the following year will be able to auction for entry into the Bachelor of Science education program.
Finally, Dr. Vásquez Espinosa commented on their willingness to host other educational programs offered by other academic units, such as the Mexican Law School, which will use FIN-GV facilities to teach classes in the following semester.

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