Journalist Lenin Danieri posted on social networks a recording of an event that shocked many witnesses in a shopping center in Maracaibo, Zulia state.
“This happened at Gran Bazar CC in central Maracaibo on Sunday. Causes unknown,” Danieri commented in the post.
“The chaos caused the building to be closed protectively. The reporter noted that one of those who appeared in the video identified himself as an official, and did not mention his type.
In the powerful images, a dark-skinned person wearing a blue shirt and black hat is shown arguing with another, younger-looking man at the entrance to the facility. They both hold each other’s hands as people gather around them to find out the reason for the argument.
Within a few seconds, the rage intensified and the man in blue applied a martial arts switch to the other boy, who slammed his skull into the ground without being able to use his hands to avoid it. Immediately the deceased began to convulse while the assailant tried to move away while everyone watched.
Fortunately, the witnesses chased him down and forced him back into the custody of security officials.
Video: @LDanieri /
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