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Trelew Council signed a training agreement with UNPSJB

Trelew Council signed a training agreement with UNPSJB

During the Thursday afternoon, in his office, the president of Trileo’s advisory council Juan Aguilar signed two specific training agreements with jobs Legal Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences at the National University of Patagonia “San Juan Bosco”, headquarters of Comodoro Rivadavia.

On this occasion, and with Council Member Aguilar, Dean of the Faculty of Legal Sciences, Gustavo Fletas; Deputy Dean Francesco Schiavone; Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Susanna Vidoz; Deputy Dean, Renee Silvera. In addition, Mr. Carlos Perez has political science students career.

In this way, between the National University of Patagonia, represented by Dean Dr. Gustavo Fletas (Legal Sciences), and Dean M. Susana Vidoz (Humanities) and the Trelew Consultative Council, represented by President Lices Juan Ignacio Aguilar, have agreed to celebrate two training agreements for students of the Faculty of Legal Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences. In order to achieve the application of knowledge corresponding to the level of training achieved at the University and in the integration of techniques and procedures typical of practice in the Legislative Department.

It has also been demonstrated that the exercises will take place in the offices of the Board of Deliberations in Trileo and will last between two and 12 months, with a weekly workload of 20 hours.

On the other hand, it isThe university will appoint a mentoring teacher to monitor the educational program that each trainee develops. For his part, the councilAssigns a teacher who directs them to satisfactorily complete the assigned program. In addition, jointly – the council/university – they will develop a plan so that the students reach the set educational goals.

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