The TIC The availability of many resources for everyone, online training, educational blogs, videos, the ability to communicate with teachers from anywhere in the world, the ability to learn about their experiences and Share different ways of learning.
This is why there is a user in Twitter This is called Money Maker 5 channels Youtube People will be able to see it and learn about different topics: Entrepreneurship, medicine and science And even go into it Discussable topics From reality.
1. C for Science
One of the scientific YouTube channels that can be found is C – sciencesmore than million subscribers And with the subject of explaining the different aspects of science.
Marty Monfrere He is the owner of this YouTube profile where you can watch videos (about ten or fifteen minutes long) about space, evolution, astronomy and of course science.
Although it does not currently have regular updates (barely two videos in the last three months), you can watch a large number of Interpretations, discussions and experiences of recent years.

2. Stale Banana
Damian Ruiz, Known as La Banana Rancia, it is a channel where her videos initially deal with some Interesting topics and simple solutions to complex problems, But he is currently dedicated to making the Top 5. Here are his series:
– 5 facts: Here he narrates 5 events of a place or event.
– Plagiarism geniuses: This series contains many deleted videos because it shows the robberies of important people, including Bill Gates s Albert Einstein.
– Random videos: From time to time upload “random” videos whether the data from movies and companies is more than 5 data.
Social experience: He rarely does this, trying to experience things in common with people on the street.

3. Wilderness Project
The Wild Project has become one of the most talked about audiovisual content on YouTube. The good work done by Catalan Jordi Carrillo de Albornos Torres has succeeded in bringing personalities of stature Oriol Junqueras, John Sistiaga or Arturo Pérez Reverte.
But behind all this Jordi Wilde’s success, there is a pure career and past work that is not in question. Well, in 2013 he created the channel giorgio corner, Which in 2017 reached a number 7 million subscriberswhich today costs much less due to the increase in consumers of this type of content.
The Wild Project was Jordi Wild’s most pampered and successful project to date. I was born in 2020, and His style is very similar to that used by Joe Rogan in the United States, In addition, Jordi admitted that he likes to be compared to the famous presenter audio notation.
The program is broadcast Every Tuesday and Thursday On the channel created exclusively for broadcasting the contents of this podcast (Jordy Wilde still maintains El Rincón de Giorgio, where he devotes himself to talking about particularly rough topics).

4. Dr. La Rosa
Physician and Professor of Medicine since the age of 23, Dr. LaRosa has been disappointed with the effectiveness of conventional treatments and He decided to devote his life to the search for therapeutic alternatives, Both ancient and modern, which was effective and harmless to the patient. This is what Sebastian La Rosa realized that the use of multiple tools and methods in the patient is the key to therapeutic success.
Recognizing the existence of multiple technologies and tools that the vast majority of people cannot access, He decided to dedicate himself to gaining that knowledgedistributed all over the world, and use it to treat your patients.

5. Anthroporama
Anthroporama, as its name suggests, is a YouTube channel about man. with More than 775,000 subscribers, Patri Tizanos is publishing a science About the brain, behavior, man and mind.
A PhD student in Neuroscience and with a channel available since 2017, it is one of the best options if you want to use YouTube for learning.
Among the lists of anthroporama we find cases Controversial topics, everyday science or science related to love and attraction. For example, why do people accept? Why do some days people look beautiful and others not?
Battery Tizanos Answer all these questions Its a highly recommended posting channel.

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“Social media evangelist. Student. Reader. Troublemaker. Typical introvert.”
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