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Top 10 Universities to Study Medicine in Latin America

Top 10 Universities to Study Medicine in Latin America

In medicine, training is not only necessary but mandatory. In order to get into the professional field, you first need to study in one of the universities available to learn the basics of the profession. Theory is fundamental and must be supplemented with practice during training and social work. The sum of all of the above provides an overview of what you need to know for patient care.

In this sense, the decision to want to dedicate yourself to this job for the rest of your life is a very important one. Although once it becomes clear, the next aspect follows, which is choosing a suitable school.

Aspects to choose the best option

Currently there are many universities that offer this degree in our country. Among them all you need to choose the most suitable for you. There are several parameters you can take into consideration to decide on one. Primarily it can be a public or private school and it all depends on your financial capabilities.

Likewise, another very important aspect is the location. Some young people tend to choose universities from the same entity or near their home. While others have no problem moving as long as they are close to the campus of their choice.

The curriculum also affects because although many offer MBBS, not everyone is alike. In fact, while the total duration of the degree in the majority is six years in others, it extends to seven years. This is why it is so important to analyze each school.

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Universities of international standing

While another parameter that influences the final decision is the prestige of each institution. Some of them are well seen nationally and even in other latitudes. The clearest model is the QS World University Rankings. It is a work in which more than a thousand schools of higher education around the world are analyzed.

Exactly today results The edition corresponding to 2022. It targets young people who plan to enter university next year. This way they will have a more complete overview of the options that suit them best. In addition, the analysis covers only the Latin American region in which the ten finalists are as follows:

1. Pontifical Catholic University (Chile).
2. University of Sao Paulo (Brazil).
3. University of Chile (Chile).
4 – Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico).
5. University of Los Andes (Colombia).
6. National Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico).
7. Campinas State University (Brazil).
8. University of Buenos Aires (Argentina).
9. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
10. National University of Columbia (Colombia).

What is remarkable in the ranking is that there are two universities in our country, in a better position are Tecnológico de Monterrey, which has also emerged in recent years in National examination for applicants to medical residency (ENARM). Their graduates usually appear among the highest grades.

While the other Mexican option that appears is UNAM. he’s one of public schools One of the greatest traditions in medicine. In addition, it usually conducts research frequently and is therefore well known in many parts of the world.

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