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Today’s horoscopes, October 7, 2023, for all zodiac signs

Today’s horoscopes, October 7, 2023, for all zodiac signs

in it Today’s horoscopes, Saturday 7 October, Venus Bye bye Leo Four months after its passing, it is in decline. You will notice this as your preferences will change and other topics will catch your attention.


Today Venus, after four months, says goodbye to Leo. While this is happening, you will have the whole day, before you are busy with other issues, to look for your loved ones, and above all, your partner and friends, and tell them everything you feel.

If you have children, I advise you to share this day with them to play and have fun, as your focus will change tomorrow.

Continue learning to feel freer to express yourself and learn how to show love to those who truly appreciate and deserve it. You will see that by allowing yourself to flow naturally, others will do the same towards you.

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Aries Weekly Horoscope for October 2 to 8, 2023

Aries monthly horoscope for october

Aries 2023 annual horoscope


In the past four months, Venus has heightened your taste for more refined decorations and awakened the allure of being surrounded by beautiful furniture in your home. Because you were very sensitive to the beauty and harmony of your home, you devoted yourself to enjoying your family as well as material things.

If you are planning some kind of transaction with real estate or luxury items to beautify your home or garden, take advantage of this to complete it today, as you will be very busy with your projects. You’re also in time to get the best plants to balance the energy in your home.

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Taurus weekly horoscope from October 2 to 8, 2023

Taurus monthly horoscope for October

Taurus annual horoscope 2023


Venus travels through Leo for four months. During this time, you have acquired a way of speaking that is full of grace and a different tact to do so because often due to your problems or negligence you do not express yourself well.

On the other hand, you may have focused your attention on those around you such as siblings, friends, neighbors, and co-workers, and this has led you to discover attitudes and behaviors on their part that made you feel that affection actually exists. In your environment. After this experience, it will help you keep all this feeling in your heart.

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Gemini weekly horoscope for October 2 to 8, 2023

Gemini monthly horoscope for October

Gemini 2023 annual horoscopes


For about four months, you have had the good influence of Venus, the planet associated with money, which has given you opportunities to earn more money than usual and, in this way, increase your financial intelligence to undertake different types of work. .

If you have to open a new bank account, talk to banks, reach agreements with other repayments or apply for a bank loan, it would be in your best interest to do so today. I also advise you to use this day to complete any business transactions you can and negotiate a salary increase.

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Cancer weekly horoscope, October 2 to 8, 2023

Cancer monthly horoscope for October

Cancer yearly horoscope 2023


You are one of the signs that cares a lot about your appearance. The transit of Venus through your sign over the past four months has increased your self-esteem and made you pay more attention to your personal hygiene.

This will be beneficial for you and others as well, as long as you know how to share it with them, for example, you can help them improve their self-esteem, tell them about their qualities and how they can look more attractive. Combine these situations, plus sharing afternoons at the spa with them, and tomorrow your attention will be on another topic.

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Leo Weekly Horoscope, October 2-8, 2023

Leo monthly horoscope for October

Leo annual horoscope 2023


Today, Venus says goodbye to Leo, reminding you that you must integrate into yourself the introspection you have experienced in the past four weeks, as well as the peace and calm you have gained.

It will also help you incorporate your more compassionate side that I have discovered, which is caring for the sick physically and emotionally and helping people who need you while remaining humble.

Keep these attitudes within you and keep them forever, because they will give you pleasant satisfaction and will allow you to maintain an active side of your personality that you did not know you possessed.

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Virgo weekly horoscope from October 2 to 8, 2023

Virgo monthly horoscope for October

Virgo yearly horoscope 2023


During the past four months, Venus, your ruling planet, has been transiting Leo and you have felt its influence as you spend very pleasant moments with all your friends and show all your sociability and diplomacy.

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Also with this influence, you have developed more of your kindness and concern for them, and you have had the opportunity to give love and, at the same time, to receive all their affection from them, and this is what you should keep in your heart and not forget it. . Especially because tomorrow you will evaluate all your personal relationships.

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Libra Weekly Horoscope, October 2-8, 2023

Libra monthly horoscope for October

Libra yearly horoscope 2023


In the last four months, Venus, the planet that represents your gravitational pull and what attracts you, has shown you how much you care about your career and how much you care about it. Additionally, it taught you the importance of keeping your self-confidence high to empower yourself and learn how to attract better jobs.

Since you have grown and advanced so far, but still need to reach a little higher level, I suggest that to achieve this, integrate into yourself this path that you have taken, and from this, it will help you to create and do new goals. Rituals to achieve them faster.

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Scorpio weekly horoscope from October 2 to 8, 2023

Scorpio monthly horoscope for October

Scorpio yearly horoscope 2023


During the past few months and until today, Venus has favored you, passing through Leo, because they are signs belonging to the fire element. This influence increased your taste for art and your interest in the cultures of other countries while you attended cultural events with your friends and acquaintances and learned something from them.

Use this day to collect this information in your mind because it will help you see the world differently, create other goals and start searching for them starting tomorrow. Remember to do this ritual with water and bay leaf until all your wishes come true.

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Sagittarius weekly horoscope from October 2 to 8, 2023

Sagittarius monthly horoscope for October

Sagittarius yearly horoscope 2023


Venus, associated with money, has spent the last four months transiting Leo and activating your sign’s house of business.

This has led you to develop diplomacy, kindness, and even your ability to seduce to win better business agreements and attract more open-minded partners who are ready to do innovative business.

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This is what you should take into consideration to better organize your economy. On the other hand, since it’s the last day of your influence, use it to make a claim, collect a debt, or pay a reward, if you’ve been waiting for that.

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Capricorn Weekly Horoscope for October 2 to 8, 2023

Capricorn monthly horoscope for October

Capricorn 2023 your annual horoscope


Today, Venus, associated with personal relationships, leaves this particular area of ​​your horoscope. Thanks to his influence, he has activated this sector over the past four weeks and has taught you to be more emotional. And also in knowing how to develop your kindness and affection to connect with new and different people and even different audiences.

Keep learning to be more clear and true to your feelings and not let your mind control your heart. I advise you to stay and always favor your heart full of love.

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Aquarius Weekly Horoscope from October 2 to 8, 2023

Aquarius monthly horoscope for October

Aquarius yearly horoscope 2023


In these last four months, Venus, the planet that represents your tastes and pleasures, has taught you how to take care of your body, both in terms of health and beauty. Incorporate the new habits you have developed and become friends with your body, your new physical sensations and the feeling that your heart, mind and body feel more united.

Consider aligning your chakras in this way starting tomorrow, when Venus changes its influence, your power of seduction will increase to attract the good love relationship you so desire.

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Pisces Weekly Horoscope from October 2 to 8, 2023

Pisces monthly horoscope for October

Pisces yearly horoscope 2023

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