If you are one of the thousands of Cubans who need to buy foreign currency at exchange offices (Cadeca), you must have been frustrated by the virtual queue of the ticket counter, which is the only legal way to access foreign currency on the island. . .
According to the government newspaper of the province of Sancti Spiritus, many residents expressed concern about the slowness of this service, forcing them to wait months to be able to exchange their Cuban pesos for dollars or euros, the most popular currencies.
Director of Kadika in the region He said At the same time, sales declined due to the decline in tourism in Cuba, one of the country's main sources of foreign exchange income.
Likewise, he explained, Cadeca's earning of foreign currency also depends on purchasing from Cuban Americans who have relatives on the island. Prepaid cards in freely convertible currency (MLC) during their visits to the country to purchase goods in stores.
But what happens in the rest of the country? Cuban guide We inquired about users' experiences with Cadeca's ticket platform for buying dollars and this is what they told us.
Buying dollars in Cuba: ticket queues
One reader named Luis Dieguez wrote: “I've been waiting for 9 months. I've had to pay for the order three times, because it expires every three months, and I still have 2,340 people to go.” “I'm from Havana.”
Several comments came from the capital of Cuba. “I have been registered with Ticket Cadeca de Belascoain since last June 28 and I am still at 1.8K,” said Maria Elena.
“I'm from Havana and after 7 months in the waiting room, Tiquette still didn't tell us it was our turn,” Carlos said. “Two days later, when we realized this, we went to Cadeca and they told us that we had to complain to Ticket because it was already too late. I wrote and sent pictures and verification and still no one responded to me.”
In central Cuba, in Santa Clara, Pancho confirmed that the system was “very slow.” “I still have more than two thousand numbers left,” he said.
In Matanzas, Meledes Rodriguez submitted the application since last July 16 and has not yet been able to purchase foreign currencies.
One user identified as “PILSR” thinks it could be worse: “I'm from Guantanamo and I've been in the waiting room since June. If five people sell in a day that's too much. Imagine a city that has no influence on tourists. I figured I'd buy it At approximately one year old.
As it turns out, the situation is critical for many Cubans who need to buy foreign currencies so they can access goods and services that are not in Cuban pesos.

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