Exit. We protect tooSkin for lightning themeSolar. But not only hereUpstairs you have to take care, otherwiseAlso below.Daniel: Certainly. And hereI have this, I’ll bring it, oh myLaser thermometer, because we goto do an experiment.Now the sun is setting, andThe temperature will be a littleon the asphalt, andI want to show you, we can seeSpecifically the temperature.Here marks about 98 dueDial 9899 and that is the enarealight, but in dark areasSee how 101 changes.And it continues to rise, 107,104.When we run on the asphalt orDark surfaces and tennisThey will absorb that heat, ifWe have the same kindWell, white, we’re fine.We’re 1″ thick, but into be more precise on the insideWe can get to temperaturesso they can access itThe 101102, too much for himbody and may cause damageCheers.Christ: And there’s a topic I don’t doI knew there was a topicI didn’t know that clothesThey must be clear.Daniel: When is this kind ofWhich shoes have which fabricThe body breathesMuch better, thereforeThe temperature goes in the feetBe better, you can go in for sportsbetter.You should avoid shoescompletely closed offLow, but has slippersWhite and high bootsbreathes.Very important, not very importantTo do this exercise, however

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