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This is the unicorn for “Elon Musk of Medicine”

This is the unicorn for “Elon Musk of Medicine”

They all fully understand that Mihir is going through that crucial moment to tell the world about the innovative solutions his company has been working on for years. but also They want to hear you talk about future ambitions. And in numbers.

Acknowledgments and contacts

Meher Shah goes through the first part of the program explaining the strengths of his devices. It proudly displays some international recognitions, including one from the World Health Organization (WHO) and trade links that can be crucial when it comes to promoting its unicorn, among them In contact with Pfizer.

But the deliberation arrives, and as the rules of the show indicate, the members money circle They exchange impressions without his presence. It’s the key moment in the show and it’s not just for Mihir. Spectators from all over the world sharpen their attention and analyze the opportunity to invest in companies that are about to make the leap to “unicorn”where companies that reach the required value of $1 billion are known.

“I feel like I didn’t get enough financial information. It’s promising but something is missing,” he will say afterwards Rosy riversFormer Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. very close to it Silvina Moschini He made Mihir see an inaccurate contradiction: His company has the potential to keep millions of women healthy, but no woman founding partner when signing.

60 seconds and 20 million

As in all episodes Unicorn HuntersThe personality of the characters also plays a role. Some members of the committee believe Mihir is expecting very modest numbers, saying he needs an additional $20 million to complete his expansion into other markets. but then Chris Diamantopoulos special guest show, He presents his point: Is it his character? Is this style of Promise Less, Deliver More? “.

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